Thursday, April 10, 2008


Yesterday was a weird & awkward day after work. Went home to meet up with mom & LBS cuz we were going to go shopping for a dress for LBS's birthday. It didn't hit for me (for SOME reason) that LBS was going to have mom pay for everything. I don't know why that bothers me so much but it does..... Anyways, the dress she got was SUPER cute. In a way, she looks like Kim Kardashin in the dress! So she got a dress, shoes, earrings and a crown to wear on Saturday night. She's going to a club that her "SO" (<--meaning "Significant Other", also known as the "Shit head" that he is to her) will be DJing at. I hope she has a good time but in the grand tradition of her Birthdays, we were discussing on how it was going to most likely turn to shit, probably thanks to her SO! But honestly, we're trying to be optimistic at the same time! I guess we won't know til Sunday how everything turns out. ANYWAYS! While we were at the mall yesterday, we also went to Nordstrom to get make up but to mainly get new shoes for my dad.

So, we went to the man's department to look and we found a good pair for my dad. We didn't even bother at looking at the price cuz we knew we wanted to get them no matter what. Also, not trying to sound conceited but in truth, we don't need to worry about money, especially since we save and only spend money on very important items/things (i.e.- good shoes for my dad!). We find a salesperson and ask if we can but these shoes in a 12 & the first thing out of his mouth was, "Um, you sure you want those? Did you see how much they cost?" At that point, my mom & I were startled and thankfully, my mom said, "I know they're not cheap but I buy these shoes all the time. So please sir, I need these in a 12."

We SO had a "Selena" moment! Ok, I don't know how many of you have ever seen the movie "Selena" but if you have, you know what I'm talking about. If not, rent it! It's Jennifer Lopez's breakout & peak performance rolled into one! Anyways, it really pissed me off how that guy just "assumed" we couldn't afford the shoes when we can buy & sell him a few times over!!! I told my mom to write a letter to Nordstrom's yet I don't know if she will......

So today is another date that for SOME ungodly reason I remember so well. I think it was for the simple fact that when it happened, it was SUCH an amazing thing. Too bad it turned out the way it did.....

On April 10th 2006, I was working for GE in Irvine, CA. It was in a beautiful building and had the most breathtaking views! I was a receptionist who literally just answered a phone and would basically have a thumb up my ass for most of the day! Got paid pretty good to do that too! Anyways, on this day 2 years ago, some people from the Chicago office came to teach some of our people how to use a new program & one of those people turned out to be a really, really nice guy. Possibly the nicest guy I have EVER met in my life. So nice, I swore he was gay! During his breaks, he would come to talk to me. When we would leave to go home (or him to the hotel across the street), he would walk me to my car. He asked me to lunch one day yet I couldn't cuz I took a lunch at a different time than everyone else. On April 12th, which is LBS's birthday, him & I talked about hanging out that night. I told him that I had to go out to eat for my sister's birthday but afterwards, we should definitely get together. Well, he had another idea. He said, "Well, if it's no problem, I could go with you." I was shocked! I have friends & family who don't even like going to eat with my family! (I was kidding!) I called my mom & asked her if it would be cool to bring someone (I had already told her about him) and she was thrilled! Since the place we went to eat at was down the street from my work, there was no point in going all the way home so I asked if we could hang out in his hotel room til dinner, which was at 7:30 & we got off at 5 from work! I was actually afraid, thinking if he tried to take advantage of being in a room or whatnot. Seriously, I don't know why I thought that cuz he was SOOOO nice!!! We ended up talking for about 2 hrs. about EVERYTHING!!! It was one of those amazing conversations that you only wish you could have everyday of your life..... We go to dinner & I introduce him to my mom, LBS, Cheech (<-- that's what I call LBS's boyfriend), my crazy aunt & laid back cousin AB (<-- His nickname is actually Asshole Bitch but it's just simpler to call him AB). Everyone loved him. My sister determined right then and there we were met for each other! We had lots in common (even ordering the same thing & not realizing it til it came out!) As the night went on, the more sad I got knowing he was going to leave tomorrow.

So the next day was harder than I expected. I was devastated and was in a way, heartbroken. Here was this amazing guy I had gotten to know in the past few days & now he's going home, which is 2000 miles away!!! He came to give me a hug goodbye & I did everything not to cry in front of him. Once he left though, it was over! I was crying like a bitch!!! Waterworks galore! Thank god I sat by myself in this HUGE hallway and hardly anyone came by. One of my friends did come by to check on me & she flat out said, "Forget lunch! Just go home an hour early!" I did.

When I left work, I was just drained. I knew I also had to go to the gym (This was when I was REALLY good & went to the gym EVERY night after work! I need to do that again...) & go to personal training.... My trainer even felt bad for me and was easy on me that day. Went home & cried with my mom saying how life sucked & all that good shit. After that, I took about a 5 hr. nap that felt like about 5 years!

It was 9:06 pm when I woke up. I went on myspace (cuz I'm addicted like everyone else) and saw I had a friend request and a new message. I sat there thinking, "who the hell sent me anything, let alone, who friend requested me???" Well, as it turned out, he paid attention the night before at dinner when I said that it was hard to find me on myspace. The only ways you could were through the high school I went to or by my display name. He went on, made an account, looked & found me. I screamed and ran downstairs to tell my family! That was a feeling I will never forget!!!

From there, we emailed each other EVERY DAY!!! About a month & a half later, I went there to see him. Met his whole family & all his friends. He took me ALL around Chicago (seriously, lil tip- when someone tells you to put on tennis shoes instead of your $2.50 flip flops from Old Navy, listen to them!), walked about 10 miles seeing Magnificent Mile, the Harbor, Navy Pier, Buckingham Fountain, Millennium Park..... EVERYWHERE!!!! It was such an amazing trip.

We took turns every month going to see each other. Everything was going great. Then I was let go from GE due to seniority in the position I was in. Things were still great.... until October.

One thing we did everyday was either send an email or a text, basically saying, "Hey. I'm alive & breathing. Have a good day." I was ok with that because to think that it would be realistic to be on the phone 3-5 times a day for an hour or so at a time with someone who was in a different time zone than you would be RIDICULOUS!!! We would mainly talk twice a week, usually on Thursday & Sunday nights. When the beginning of October rolled along, there was about 2 weeks that I had absolutely no contact with him. No calls, emails, text, pigeon with a note around its foot, flare in the air.....nothing! It was quite odd since we would at least have some kind of contact once a day! Finally, on October 19th, he called. We had about an hour conversation. It was nice. We even talked about him coming out that month. Everything seemed fine.

The next day, I emailed him. To this day, still waiting for a response to that email. October 19th of 2007 was the last time I ever heard from him. I would talk to his friends & his friends never said what was wrong. They were first confused like me but, like him, then they stopped contact too. It was quite odd and whenever people would ask what happened, I would say, "You tell me & we'll both know!" I make the joke with one of my friends that for all I know, I still have a boyfriend in Chicago! But yeah, that's what happened.

Well, that was basically it. I've been so out of it lately, I just feel like a zombie!

Only 5 days last...
me =)

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