Thursday, April 17, 2008

Back to work.....

You know, it's not hectic but damn, I'm still busy! Douching off my desk, organizing invoices & payments, still assembling returns (copies to clients), and people STILL calling in! I know, I know. The guys keep saying it's going to slow down so much that I'll need to bring a book in to occupy my time. I know it sounds bad but I'm kinda waiting for that day to arrive, like soon!

Nothing huge happening right now yet I'm going to write a separate blog about the significant of today. It's one of those days I honestly will never forget just for the simple fact that I consider the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, so far at least. I truly feel even when I become old and senile, this will be one of the things I will always remember.

So continue on to the next post....

me =)

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