Monday, November 10, 2008

A Warning-

**Please know that 1- this is my blog so I have every right to express my opinion & what's on my mind & 2- you, the reader, also have an opinion and have every right to think or feel strongly about whatever your heart desires. This is my humble opinion that I feel I need to express. I know for a fact it will most likely rub quite a few people the wrong way so I felt I should put a lil warning for others to know....

So I've been really thinking about it and it really SUCKS! What sucks you ask? Well, it's the fact that I'm really disappointed that I can't be REALLY excited for Obama winning the election. Even after looking at these pics of election night of him, his family & the Bidens, it makes me sad and I'll tell you why it makes me sad:

What happened last Tuesday was truly historical. I can completely see & understand that. This man, who I have to admit has so much charisma and such a presence, became the first African American to become president of the United States and all I can think is, "Oh my god, we're SO screwed!". And no, it doesn't mean I don't want a Black President to run this country. If, let's say Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice ran and won, my GOD! I would pick my manatee ass up and be doing cartwheels! It's the simple facts that 1- I truly believe this man doesn't know what he has gotten himself into AT ALL! Especially with the condition our country is in right now, this is NOT the time for someone with not much experience to be running this country. Last week, my father went to the doctor and they were talking about the election results. It was the doctor who made this point- "It's comparable to someone being in a lower position for about 4 months & then being offered the CEO position" How does that make any sense??? & 2- being a 1st generation Cuban American and having a father come to this country as a Cuban refugee, it's hard to be behind someone who proclaims change when the last time my father & his family heard that was about 50 years ago when a young man named Fidel Castro proclaimed the same thing. The comparisons to both Obama and Castro are actually quite frightening and it truly does worry me how this country will be ran. If you don't believe me, ask my friend Google to help you see....

Please know that I understand Bush isn't the brightest bulb in the pack & that the man made mistakes but you know, he isn't as horrible as everyone pictures him. Yes, we can agree the man can make himself look like an idiot at times yet I feel at times the man gets a REALLY bad rap for things when a lot of the times not EVERYTHING is his fault. 

You know, it's amazing. Clinton is looked at as a God when he did nothing but reap the benefits that Bush Sr. created and got blown in the Oval office! Oh, and you know the mortgage crisis that's going on??? You know how you want to just want to blame Bush? Well, guess who was one of the first to start/initiate it??? YOU GOT IT! Clinton! And 9/11? Well, it could have most likely been prevented if Clinton realized when the Sudanese OFFERED Osama Bin Laden and guess what? Clinton didn't take it. He was warned 12 times in the 7-8 years he was in office with terrorist threats and what did he do to prepare our country? Nothing. When the World Trade Center was bombed in '93, did you know he only made that a NYPD job, not an FBI job? So before you go and say how fantastic he was, at least try to see his faults and how he ran things..... I can at least admit to Bush not being perfect but for those who praise Clinton, try to see the wrong in him too....

Now that I went on a semi-tangent, I will end on this note- I am a person who actually likes to be proven wrong. There is nothing else I actually like..... actually LOVE than being proven wrong! The reason for that is in most cases when I feel I'm right, I usually am and it disappoints me that I could see that but no one else could. Now, if Obama were to prove me, my father, my family & fellow friends who are mainly Republican and any other naysayers about his abilities to run this country and to get us out of the massive shit hole we're in, well, let's just say EVERY ONE OF YOU can literally rub my face in it! You can say, "HA! You stupid idiot bitch! We told you he could do it and look! He fulfilled every promise he has made without making us all look like asses!" I will be right there to take it all in & I'll actually be ECSTATIC that it's happening...... Problem is, I don't think it'll be happening.... Here's hoping though.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

oh, don't worry....

I know I'm a horrible human being.... The funny thing is I've had things written that I've met to post but haven't! Anyways, here are a few things to read. I'll update later with pics of puppies (yes, puppies!), stories and the latest on life....


me! =)

the results

on the way home from work yesterday, my father & i had a discussion about the election results. we're completely baffled at the results:

1- let me just say RIGHT NOW, i wasn't impressed with both candidates.... i mean, this is the best our country could come up with??? and now we have a man with the only experience of 143 days as a senator about to run our country. its the equivalent of working on a dock & after 4 months, someone saying to that person, "hey, the CEO quit & now we're giving you the position!"

2- living in California, we had some very interesting props to vote on. ill get to prop 8 in a second yet did you hear about prop 4? if not, check it out. i understand there are exceptions to every law/rule yet: 1- when i was in high school & had a headache, i couldn't take an aspirin without someone's permission & 2- my sister, who is a manager of a tanning salon, must have a parent come in, fill out a consent form & on file at ALL times, it will say, "this person under the age of 16 has permission to tan".... remember, i just said TAN!

3- prop 8.... you'll never know how much that hurts me and I'm straight! people keep saying it would ruin the sanctity of marriage.... um, newsflash! it had already been ruined by the many people getting married for health benefits, becoming legal and most importantly, people just thinking, "oh, ill get married & if it doesn't work out, ill just get divorced... no big deal!" if anything, i think it would have been restored for the simple fact that most of the gay friends i have in my life want their lives to be as regular/normal as everyone else so they value their relationships, love the idea of spending their lives with someone forever, let alone, having a family of their own! for this to pass, its basically separating water fountains again....

me =(

Monday, October 27, 2008

a rant.

um, I'm sorry.... i don't mean to be a Debbie downer (i know I'm pro at it)
but Jennifer Hudson is on the way to ID the body of her nephew..... he
was shot multiple times, one to the head.... =( i cried when i heard they just found the body this morning but they still weren't sure it was him.....

i hate what our world is turning into & you want to know what i hate
the MOST!?!?!?!?!?!?! i HATE (and i mean HATE) fucking idiot people
who have the audacity NOW to say, "oh, i don't condone violence but
this monster needs to be killed!" um, excuse me- why just HIM?! there
are TONS of monster like this guy in the world but what? you don't
condone the death penalty or capital punishment for them? and the
thing i hate the most is that this guy will most likely get life in prison &
NOTHING will come of this! he'll literally get away with murder cuz
they would appeal his shit god knows HOW many times & that
would cost more than just keeping him in prison.... either way, we're
paying for it! i say the MOMENT they know he did it, he's done.

do EXACTLY what he did to those innocent people and be done with it!

and that's the end of my rant.

thank you.

Friday, October 10, 2008

You can’t deny that there’s truth to this!

These are not my words...I have given proper credit to the deserving man at the bottom. But any self respecting person with an ounce of Cuban blood feels passionately about this, especially once these points are made clear. I've never been a person BIG into politics, but this really tugs into my emotions. As a daughter of a Cuban refugee, I pledge to not join the masses in being sucked into the charisma of a young, inexperienced man who promises "change"...


All I wish to express, as a former Cuban exile, is that Barack Obama and Fidel Castro share many personality traits, i.e.:

Both were abandoned by their fathers at an early age.

Both are charming, eloquent lawyers that say exactly what people want to hear at the right time and place.

One never led the nation to suspect he was a communist at heart, the other doesn't mention the word socialism when in reality this is exactly what his agenda stands for.

Both were virtually unknown until they began to use the word 'change' as their main political motto.

Both have egos as tall as the twin towers, yet they manage to present themselves humbly, one in soiled military fatigues and the other sweating and with an undone tie.

Both have the unique ability to distort truth and lies as if they were the same.

Both have the ability to hypnotize the ignorant and fool the wishful thinker and to divide a nation in classes, (divide and you shall win) In Fidel's case he divided the rich against the poor, the illiterate against the educated and the black against the white. In Obama's case even if by omission, he's de-facto dividing the races already.

And lastly I'll use the words of Jorge Santayana to finish my case in point: 'Those who can't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'

And in the words of Sir Winston Churchill: 'The inherent vice of Capitalism is the unequal distribution of blessings, the inherent vice of Socialism is the equal distribution of misery.'


Signed: Andrew J. Rodriguez, Author of 'Adios, Havana,' a memoir

In closing, vote Yes on Prop 2 and No on Prop 8...I still have my liberal views but my overall foundation respectfully leans to the RIGHT side.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

If you'​re behin​d on your mortg​age & about​ to be forec​losed...

.​.​.​.​go get a gun & shoot​ yours​elf!​​​ Don'​​​t belie​ve me?​​​?​​​?​​​ Read this:​​​

"A 90-​​​year-​​​old Akron​,​​​ Ohio,​​​ woman​ who shot herse​lf as
sheri​ff'​​​s deput​ies tried​ to evict​ her from her forec​losed​ home
becam​e a symbo​l of the natio​n'​​​s home mortg​age crisi​s Frida​y.​​​
Addie​ Polk is being​ treat​ed at Akron​ Gener​al Medic​al Cente​r
after​ shoot​ing herse​lf at least​ twice​ in the upper​ body Wedne​sday
after​noon,​​​ her city counc​ilman​ said.​​​

On Frida​y,​​​ Fanni​e Mae spoke​sman Brian​ Faith​ said the mortg​age
assoc​iatio​n had decid​ed to halt actio​n again​st Polk and sign the
prope​rty "​​​outri​ght"​​​ to her. "​​​We'​​​re going​ to forgi​ve whate​ver
outst​andin​g balan​ce she had on the loan and give her the house​,​​​
"​​ Faith​ said.​​​ "​​​Given​ the circu​mstan​ces,​​​ we think​ it's appro​priat​e.​​​"

Meanw​hile,​​​ U.S. Rep. Denni​s Kucin​ich,​​​ D-​​​Ohio,​​​ menti​oned Polk
on the House​ floor​ Frida​y durin​g debat​e over the lates​t econo​mic
rescu​e propo​sal.​​​"

So., reall​y?​​ This 90 year old woman​ had to make a blunt​ point​
by SHOOT​ING HERSE​LF cuz she didn'​​t want to leave​ her home
and now every​thing​ is "​​a-​​ok"​​?​​!​​ Can you imagi​ne if this were to
REALL​Y becom​e a trend​?​​?​​?​​ Makes​ me sick.​​.​​.​​ ={

​My quest​ion to anyon​e who reads​ this & works​/​​​worke​d in the
mortg​age/​​​real estat​e/​​​loan busin​ess is why AND how all this was ok?!
How was it ok to appro​ve peopl​e for loans​ they could​n'​​​t affor​d,​​​ even
go as far as in LYING​ on the appli​catio​ns that way they could​ purch​ase
a home that was REALL​Y out of their​ means​?​​​?​​​?​​​ Yes, I know,​​​ we can
blame​ a lot of this on greed​ but look where​ we are now.​​​.​​​.​​​.​​​.​​​

You know what'​​​s weird​?​​​ 2 years​ ago, my dad knew this was going​
to happe​n.​​​ You wanna​ know what'​​​s scary​?​​​ After​ seein​g/​​​under​stand​ing
what he was sayin​g 2 years​ ago, I predi​cted this would​ not becom​e
a "​​​reces​sion"​​​ but a "​​​depre​ssion​"​​​.​​​.​​​.​​​.​​​.​​​.​​​ One of the few thing​a my fathe​r
and I have in commo​n-​​​ we don'​​​t like to be prove​n right​.​​​.​​​.​​​.​​​ Let'​​​s just
say we'​​​re prett​y pertu​rbed right​ now.​​​.​​​.​​​.​​​.​​​


Friday, October 3, 2008

I don'​t care if you'​re votin​g for Obama​,​ McCai​n or your dog...

.​.​.​.​.​you MUST read this!​ Serio​usly every​one,​ this can be our reali​ty if we don'​t reali​ze what'​s TRULY​ going​ on!​!​!​!​

me ={

By Glenn​ Beck

Dear Ameri​ca:​

Happy​ 300th​ Birth​day!​

It's 2076 and we'​ve just inven​ted the time-​fax machi​ne.​ (​Actua​lly,​ "we" didn'​t inven​t the time-​fax machi​ne,​ the State​ did -- they prett​y much contr​ol every​thing​ now.)

I'm faxin​g this back to you in 2008 becau​se that seems​ to be the year we had the best chanc​e to rever​se our cours​e and get back to the visio​n laid out by our found​ing fathe​rs -- a visio​n that didn'​t inclu​de the gover​nment​ being​ in the insur​ance busin​ess.​

I don'​t have a lot of time (the State​ only gives​ us one 30-​minut​e break​ per day) so let me give you some advic​e:​ Stop worry​ing so much about​ who runs the count​ry and start​ worry​ing about​ who runs your towns​,​ your state​s,​ and your Congr​ess.​

I know you'​re all distr​acted​ by the presi​denti​al elect​ion,​ but for all the money​ and time poure​d into it, the truth​ is that you'​re choos​ing betwe​en two roads​ that will lead you to the same destinatio​n.​ Sure,​ one may be the Autob​ahn and the other​ a two-​lane highw​ay,​ but you'​ll end up at the same place​ eithe​r way.

Decad​es of Repub​lican​s and Democ​rats alike​ have all chipp​ed in to lead you to where​ you are today​.​ Belie​ving that one perso​n,​ from eithe​r party​,​ can chang​e that by thems​elves​ is a big mistake.​

Presi​dents​ are like capta​ins of a large​ ship:​ They can map out a cours​e and shout​ out order​s,​ but witho​ut the trust​ and hard work of the peopl​e who actua​lly move the rudde​rs,​ their​ comma​nds
mean nothi​ng.​

In retro​spect​,​ the lack of trust​ and confi​dence​ you now have in your leade​rs was reall​y the root cause​ of every​thing​ that'​s happe​ned since​.​ While​ our found​ing fathe​rs desig​ned a brill​iant
syste​m of check​s and balan​ces,​ separ​ation​ of power​s and democ​ratic​ elect​ions,​ trust​ was the one thing​ they could​n'​t manda​te in the Const​ituti​on.​

Unfor​tunat​ely,​ it's also the found​ation​ upon which​ every​thing​ else is built​ and once it began​ to erode​,​ our whole​ house​ inevi​tably​ began​ to crumb​le.​

Looki​ng back now, it's prett​y obvio​us that our trust​ in gover​nment​ decli​ned at about​ the same rate as our parti​sansh​ip incre​ased.​ Peopl​e becam​e so conce​rned about​ getti​ng their​ party​
into power​ at any cost that the truth​ didn'​t even seem to matte​r anymo​re.​

That'​s proba​bly one of the reaso​ns why Georg​e Washi​ngton​ hated​ the idea of polit​ical parti​es so much.​ Here'​s what he said about​ them in his 1796 farew​ell speec​h:​

"The alter​nate domin​ation​ of one facti​on over anoth​er,​
sharp​ened by the spiri​t of reven​ge,​ natur​al to party​ disse​nsion​,​
which​ in diffe​rent ages and count​ries has perpe​trate​d the
most horri​d enorm​ities​,​ is itsel​f a frigh​tful despo​tism.​
But this leads​ at lengt​h to a more forma​l and perma​nent despo​tism.​
The disor​ders and miser​ies which​ resul​t gradu​ally incli​ne the minds​
of men to seek secur​ity and repos​e in the absol​ute power​ of an
indiv​idual​;​ and soone​r or later​ the chief​ of some preva​iling​ facti​on,​
more able or more fortu​nate than his compe​titor​s,​ turns​ this
dispo​sitio​n to the purpo​ses of his own eleva​tion,​ on the ruins​
of publi​c liber​ty.​ "

I know that Georg​e had a habit​ for using​ big words​,​ so allow​ me to trans​late into 2008 Engli​sh:​ Polit​ical parti​es that put their​ own succe​ss over that of the count​ry'​s will be the death​ of America.​

If you don'​t belie​ve him yet, just wait a few more years​.​.​.​you'​re about​ to see first​hand how right​ he was. After​ all, if power​ corru​pts,​ then the kind of absol​ute power​ gaine​d by polit​ical parti​es (and feare​d by Washi​ngton​)​ corru​pts absol​utely​.​

The best advic​e I can give you is to stop think​ing in terms​ of left and right​ and start​ think​ing in terms​ of right​ and wrong​.​ Deman​d the best leade​rs possi​ble,​ and then deman​d the best out of them.​

Belie​ve me, when you see what'​s comin​g your way, you'​ll reali​ze how littl​e the donke​y and the eleph​ant reall​y ever matte​red.​ Oh and while​ we'​re on polit​ics,​ one quick​ thing​ that I'm sure you're curio​us about​:​ Yes, Rober​t Byrd is still​ in the Senat​e.​ He's 159, but doesn​'​t look a day over 91.

Now, let'​s talk about​ the econo​my.​ Let me see if I have this right​:​ Money​ and power​ made people greed​y,​ so you decid​ed to hand over a bunch​ of money​ and power​ to greed​y polit​ician​s inste​ad.​ Smart​!​ After​ using​ that money​ to natio​naliz​e a bunch​ of banks​,​ mortg​age compa​nies and insur​ance compa​nies,​ they moved​ on to bigge​r thing​s.​

The airli​nes came first​ -- we just could​n'​t live witho​ut them.​ Then it was the autom​akers​ (​Detro​it would​'​ve died)​,​ healt​h care (​they said they could​ manag​e it bette​r)​,​ and event​ually​,​ the oil compa​nies (I'm not sure where​ all of those​ "​windf​all profi​ts"​ have gone)​.​

The idea behin​d it all (an idea that was event​ually​ turne​d into law with the passa​ge of the Securities​ Excha​nge Act of 2011)​ was to "​socia​lize losse​s"​ by sprea​ding them out among​ all taxpayers.​ The pain,​ our leade​rs argue​d,​ would​ be minim​al that way.

They were right​.​ At least​ until​ the bills​ came due.
See, we didn'​t actua​lly have any of the money​ we were promi​sing every​one;​ we were borro​wing it.

It didn'​t take long befor​e so many of our tax dolla​rs were going​ towar​d inter​est payme​nts that we could​n'​t fund even the most basic​ of gover​nment​ progr​ams witho​ut massi​ve tax incre​ases
on every​one.​ Peopl​e now work most of the year just to pay Uncle​ Sam (or, as we now call him, ​"Comra​de Sam"​)​.​

I hear the State​ censo​rs comin​g,​ so let me leave​ you with a few other​ quick​ thing​s:​

• Good call on not worry​ing about​ prote​cting​ our borde​rs.​ That works​ out reall​y well for you in 2019.​

• You might​ want to spend​ a littl​e less time worry​ing about​ carbo​n and a littl​e more time worrying about​ Iran.​ We'​re now in a new mini-​Ice Age but, belie​ve me, Iran isn'​t using​ their​
nukes​ to warm any homes​.​ (PS The Inter​natio​nal Atomi​c Energ​y Agenc​y just revea​led to you that Iran appea​rs to be refit​ting their​ long-​range​ missi​les to carry​ nucle​ar paylo​ads.​ Did you think​ they were jokin​g or were you just too busy with lipst​icks and pigs to notic​e?​)​

• The curre​ncy of the futur​e is energ​y.​ Those​ who have it are thriv​ing and those​ who don'​t -- well,​ let'​s just leave​ it at that.​

Drill​ for all the oil you can, but you also bette​r start​ serio​usly looki​ng for some other​ optio​ns.​

In closi​ng,​ remem​ber this golde​n rule and you shoul​d be fine:​

Your Const​ituti​on will never​ fail you, but your leade​rs will.​ Be wary of anyon​e who tries​ to convince you that it's the other​ way aroun​d.​

Best wishe​s (​you'​re going​ to need them)​,​

Worke​r 2744A​

PS It's not all socia​list doom and gloom​ here in the futur​e.​

We just thawe​d Ted Willi​ams'​ cryog​enica​lly froze​n body and he hit 87 home runs for the North​ Team!​

Edito​r'​s note:​ Glenn​ Beck is host of a conse​rvati​ve
natio​nal radio​ talk show.​

Glenn​ Beck says the decis​ions Washi​ngton​ makes​ today​
could​ have fatef​ul conse​quenc​es for the futur​e.

Friday, August 8, 2008

So I know he can dance!

Last night was the finale of "So You Think You Can Dance". I had predicted ever since the first time I saw the auditions that Stephen "Twitch" Boss was going to take the WHOLE thing! Well, I was close....

See, like I mentioned in a post before, I have known Twitch for about 6 years. I remember meeting him at the 2nd workshop Wade held at the Hilton in Universal City. We had both seen each other dance that day & I went up to him to tell him that I thought he was one of the most amazing dancers I had ever seen! He said thank you & told me that he was impressed by my dancing abilities as well (but seriously, mine are NOTHING compared to him!).

About a month or so later, I was flipping through the channels and landed on CBS. The show "Star Search" was back on TV with new host Arsenio Hall. For some reason, RIGHT when I landed on the channel, not only was it the dancing competition part but of all people on there, it was Twitch! Total randomness!

So, a few more months pass and now there have been auditions for Wade's show on MTV. There were a few but the real honest to goodness audition was held in LA at the Highlands club in Hollywood & Highland. Well, what do you know??? Twitch is RIGHT in front of me! For the whole day, we hung out & auditioned in the same group. We both even moved on to the next round together! *At first, they were kinda getting my hopes up, making me think they were going to have me on it as a contestant. Wade and a few of the people thought that it was great for someone my size could not only dance but would also be a motivating factor for other plus size people to go out & follow their dreams. In the end, they picked some girl who was a lil big (but not really) and basically had her saying what I told them in regards of being plus size & a dancer. Pissed me off & it hurt yet held my head high & just continued on attending the show.

Well, after a month of attending the show and schmoozing it up with the people at MTV, a friend of mine & I were in charge of check in! We also were in charge of the audience holding room! It's crazy what happens when you're just an outgoing & talkative people! Anyways, since I was basically behind the scenes, we would get to talk to & hang out with the contestants. Between the show & Wade still having dance class, all the regulars at class had become pretty close. This was in 2003, which I feel is so far the best year of my life.

Here's Twitch from Wade's show-

What I wanted to find but couldn't for the LIFE of me was when he came in 3rd on Wade's show. Not only was it a shock to EVERYONE but in the background, you hear someone literally yell, "WHAT!?!!?" Well, that person was me! I wish it was on the internet somewhere but after hours & hours of searching, I found NOTHING!

The last time I saw Twitch was about a year or so ago at the Choregrapher's Carnival that's held once a month in Hollywood at the Key Club. My friends and I always made sure to get the early cuz we 1- wanted to be RIGHT in front of the stage (like I'm leaning my body on the stage!) and 2- to say hi to everyone we know who would most likely be performing that night. When we walked in, within minutes, I hear, "ELIZABETH!!!" I turn & there's my dear sweet friend Stephan "Twitch" Boss. We run up & give each other the BIGGEST hug and let me just say, I am NOT a light person. Actually, I'm nowhere close to light and this guy basically lifts me off the ground! The man is just one solid muscle! Seriously, there's no way of finding any fat or loose skin on him! This was one of the performances he was in that night:

* BTW- it's pretty NSFW but it's TOTALLY worth watching! You can also see me for like 3 seconds in the front!

I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of him! When I saw him audition on SYTYCD for the second time that I knew he would go far! I even said he would win. Well, in my opinion, he did. One thing about the dance world, everyone is like a family. You can consider Twitch like the big brother who looks after everyone. He is the nicest, sweetest, most geniune guy you'll ever meet! His talent & personality alone will take him anywhere his heart desires. If for some reason anyone were to ever question how he is, well, this clip will show you exactly how he is a class act:

So congrats to someone who I may not see all the time yet know that he is the epitome of a man with the biggest heart & soul out there in the dance world!

me =)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I don't even know what to say....

After reading this story on "Cousin Perez", it made me realize that I seriously can't just look at marriage as just a business contract..... If you feel the same way I do, read this and tell me you won't change your mind a lil.....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hey Everybody!

Well, would you believe this is my 50th post?! Granted, I haven't really followed what I originally had planned on doing, which is writing something everyday but oh well! I'm at least writing!

Anyways, just thought I would throw a lil update-

- Delilah is exactly 4 months old today and she has gotten SO big! It's crazy cuz there are times we don't know if it's her or the filthy animal! She's almost done getting all her shots & once she does, I'll be able to take her to get groomed so once I do, I'll post a new pic of her.... Still damn cute & still a lil bitch!

-After having to reschedule it like 3 times, I'm finally having my procedure done this Friday! Thank god! Oh and it's nothing serious but you or I wouldn't have guessed that if you went through the registering at the hospital! Geez, you would swear I'm having open heart surgery the way they prepped me!

- In the next few months, I'll be doing quite a bit of traveling- from Vegas (duh!), New York (Seeing the last performance of "RENT" & hopefully meeting up with Mr. Walsh), to even, of all places, Biloxi, Mississippi! Yes, sometime next month I'll be going over there to support someone in a Blackjack tournament..... Should be fun! ;)

Well, that's just a lil bit about what's going on with me.... In closing, I would like to ask this of the people who do read my blog:

Say something cuz guess what? I actually know that a few of you do read it due to the analytics I have on here! =) They're some of obvious that I can tell by the city but for instance, I have some people who are from different countries reading this!

Here are some stats:

-*5 continents
-*20 countries
-*158 cities!

*(wow, that sounds so "Amazing Race"-ish!)

Of course the main place that most of the readers come from is the US yet it seems like the international readers are more interested! For instance, the longest someone has been on my blog- someone in DUBLIN, IRELAND for about 30 mins! AT ONE TIME!!! Who would have guessed?!

So yeah, there you have it! Hope all is well with all of you & can't wait to hear from you all!

Take care,

me! =)

woot, woot & WOOT!

It was a plethora of good news when I got home from work yesterday! Check it out:

1- Finally got something resolved that has been basically haunting me since 2004/2005 and now I not only don't have to worry about it but it's now as if it NEVER happened!!!!

2- Got TOTALLY hooked up in a nice ass room for next weekend in Vegas!

3- Justice was served. The fucker who attacked Mr. Brad Walsh has been FIRED!!! The distributor FINALLY did something about it and I feel now there's some hope for man kind.....

All and all, it was a good night! Even called LBS to see if she wanted to go get a bite to eat and a drink cuz I was on such a high! I almost felt as if I was manic! It was very strange... Well, all I know is that I had 3 drinks in me and I had a hella good night of sleep...

me =)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What a Wonderful World*.....

* Please note sarcasm.

I honestly can not believe the type of world we live in. What ever happened to helping others, be kind & considerate and all that good shit???

First, I read this. This made me so sad yet livid at the same time. Then, a couple days later, I read this. Ok, now I'm fuming and I've never even met the guy (hopefully that will all change in sept.!).... I just can't believe this world! Everyone is so afraid of everything! Afraid to take action, to say anything, do anything, just ANYTHING at all! It's ridiculous and I just can't stand it! People wonder what has happened to our world, well, here's the answer! NO ONE WANTS TO DO ANYTHING!!!! It's so rare to actually hear of others being there for either friends, family, even sometimes a complete stranger! Look, I'm not saying we all need to hold hands and skip together in a field of daises but damn people! Have some consideration for others around!

Then, yesterday, I read this (<-- kinda long but DEFINITELY worth the read). So, I know many of you may not know of this story but it was kinda a big deal for about a month or so here. Like everyone else, I knew the basics about this story. After reading this article, I was blown away! Who knew all this turmoil that these poor kids had already experienced in their short lives???

Alright, before I continue, I know what I'm about to say may upset some. Right now, I don't care! This is EXACTLY how I feel & think and damn it, if it was only as simple as doing what I'm about to suggest-

See, these kids had no great role model/guidance in their lives. Their folks were as fucked up as they come! It really comes down to that the parents either had them by mistake/weren't planned or REALLY didn't understand what it meant to become pregnant, have a baby & raise it PROPERLY! It's not just these parents either! I can't even begin to tell you how many I personally know that REALLY shouldn't have had kids, some family included! So, here's my proposal/suggestion to the world of science:

I know we have come far in technology & the intelligence when it comes to the human body. Now, I can be way off base yet isn't there a way to sterilize everyone & then once a couple can prove themselves by taking a test or something, as not just decent human beings but up standing citizens of the world and that have the desire & excitement to have a child of their own, then they could bear children??? It would help the U.S.'s population, let alone the world's, we wouldn't have so much over crowding in school, jobs, and traffic. There wouldn't be a concern that a child isn't getting the proper attention or needs since they'll be basically met (yet not in a spoiled way) and well, I think it would solve quite a bit more of the issues going on in our world! Those are just the ones at the top of my mind! My dad even pointed out that if the rate of breeding today that soon, we'll become like China and they'll flat out say, "You have one kid & you're done!"

Can't something, ANYTHING happen to help this world we live in???

me =(

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight

Well, I saw it last night with my mom & LBS....

All I can truly say is that it's absolutely amazing! I was honestly sitting at the edge of my seat!

I actually had this fear that I wouldn't be able to enjoy it for the simple reason that I am honestly still a mess & shoken up by the passing of Heath Ledger. I just kept telling people that I know I'm going to be sobbing while watching the movie, just thinking about how everyone was right & gave the performance of a lifetime and that this would be our last time ever witnessing the amazing talent he was. Well, what do you know??? LBS was right! She actually saw it last night and said that it wasn't til the end where it hit her that he was gone. You get SO captured by the performance he gives that you truly do forget he's gone. And let me tell you, there were a few times that my semi-pessimistic/masochist mind wanted to remind me that, "Hey, remember, he's gone...." and before it could finish reminding me, something would come to my mind and basically bitch slap it out and say, "FUCK YOU!!! Soak it up & enjoy!" and I did.

If you haven't seen it yet, please go. You won't regret a second of it! I mean, comic book stories/movies aren't my "forte" yet this did NOT come off as a comic book! It was beautiful all around. Make up, music, scenery, script, EVERYTHING was absolutely perfect! Don't get me wrong, there were a few lil "really?" moments but there's so small and dumb, it's not even worth discussing!

Oh, just promise me that if you go, make sure BEFORE the movie starts, you check to see if they're are any idiots who have decided to bring either young children or BABIES! Yes, we had someone bring a 1 to 2 year old about 15-20 mins before the movie started and LBS & I just looked at each and I said, "I'm on my way...." So I went to customer service to inform them that I have just paid $11.50 to enjoy this movie I have been waiting for quite a while to see and I did NOT want the experience to be ruined by having to come inform someone WHILE the movie is showing to let them know some idiots thought it would be ok to bring their BABY to an 8 o'clock showing of a movie that's not only 2 1/2 hours but rated PG-13, almost R! In doing that, I not only had a security guard in there the whole time but I also had 2 employees in there as well watching and making sure there would be NO disturbance from babies to idiots! But they did try to tell me that the parents had EVERY right to bring their baby in cuz they were "giving" their child "permission" to see the movie since they were under the age of 13! You should have seen my face when they told me that. I basically said everything but the phrase, "BULLSHIT!" to them.

Take it from me, if you do that, you'll enjoy the movie that much more...

me =)

PS- And yes, the moment the end credits came on, I had to contain myself from sobbing cuz if I didn't, I would have made the BIGGEST fool out of myself!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Things I finally understand.....

First, I would like to dedicate this post to both LBS & Q. Don't worry, I get it now and I'm sorry for all I may have ever said or done to either one of you....

Well, I think this was a long time coming... Actually, let me sound ignorant- I never thought I would say the things about to say but here I go:

- When it comes to relationships, you go with the flow. Don't expect or assume things cuz guess what? Shit happens. Everything doesn't always go as plan and me, you & everyone should understand that.

- Also, in relationships, I have learned that, you know, it's about you & your significant other and that's it. There's no need to have ANYONE'S input or nose in your business! There's no need to tell EVERYONE what's going on, not even family! Unless you're being abused, there's no reason to share TONS of details. If anything, if someone asks, "How's it going?", you say what it is, "It's great.""It's good.""It's decent." But there's never a need to say every detail.

- Another thing- In observing others relationships, as shitty as it may be, it's not you in it! They're in it and they're the ones who have to go through it! Other than the exception of abuse, you'll just make the situation worse if you put your 2 cents in it.

- The main thing? Realize that when it's good, it's amazing. When it isn't, don't pout, get pissy & be a bitch. If you're with someone who is truly someone special and you know it, don't fuck it up!

Basically, if you're in a relationship that has some kind of meaning behind it, be mature about it and have a good sense of trust & honesty. Most of us are adults and are not in elementary school anymore. If you're all about the thing when we were little and being on the playground, pointing out to our friends who we were "going out" with, all "you see that guy, standing by the trash can, talking to the guy, over by the tree, under the shade? Yeah, that's my boyfriend...", well, then, good luck with that!

I know I may sound like Captain Obvious yet, as ridiculous as this sounds, I just figured out half of this stuff....

me =)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's been over a week....

.....and I still can't get over this:

Seriously, I almost died watching this!!!! And yeah, I'm still rooting for Twitch cuz he's just the "bestest in the westest" but damn..... That Will. Huh..... Drove me CRAZY!!!!! And I'm also obsessed with the song even though it's been around for, oh, I don't know, EVER!!!

Talk about a 180 in watching this and AI! I felt I was being tortured watching AI and I'm just DYING in anticipation for this damn show every week! After tonight, I feel the show is going to be REALLY hard cuz everyone will be amazing and it'll really be hard to decide on who should go home. Actually, it'll just be hard cuz the guys are really what's making the show so damn good! The girls, who are good dancers, actually look mediocre compared to them! As ridiculous as it sounds, I already have in mind exactly what I'm going to say once Twitch either wins or gets voted off. If I only could find footage of the Finale of the "Wade Robson Project", it would make the post complete! If someone has it (HIGHLY doubt it!) or can find it, I would owe you a body part of mine if you ever needed something!!!

Oh and to end, if I ever got to dance like this with someone, I think I would say my life would be complete and I could possibly die right then and there! Yet that ain't happening until my manatee ass loses some weight so back to reality....

me =)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Which is better???

So I've been thinking about it lately....

Which is better- Living out on your own when you're not financially ready or Living at home until you are?

I have heard a few different sides. When living out on your own, you have A LOT more freedom and feel more responsible yet what about the hell with living with roommates and also knowing that the rent you're paying isn't going to anything other than just paying to live there? There's also the possibility of living "paycheck to paycheck" and not being able to save up for anything like an emergency or even important.

BUT! There's the other side... And that's where I am- Where you're living at home, saving up for a place (most likely a foreclosed condo since they'll most likely be giving them away soon) and going CRAZY with the folks! I love them, I truly do but I do feel like they still see me as 16 and not 26. Yet LBS moved out and they see her differently, mainly with a lil more respect it seems like yet I do know that LBS struggles and has had her share of roommate nightmares.

Here's another thing with me as well- I don't want to experience the "roommate" thing and I really don't want to do the "rent" thing either, hence me living at home and saving up & going slowly insane at the same time! It's the epitome of a "Catch-22" & a "Rock & a Hard Place" all at the same time. What the hell! Let's even throw in the infamous "Damn if you do, Damn if you don't" in there, too!

So I personally am choosing to lose a lil bit of my sanity at home than lose it with people I may or may not be close to in a place where we have almost no choice than to live with each other & be tolerant of one another or possibly go back with your tail between your legs to the "units". Well, there's also just killing the roommate but I don't know how that may play out so much.....

What's you opinion on the subject? Which do you choose? What stories do you have in the matter? Am I just being a stupid selfish bitch or am I making any sense what so ever???

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I just basically had the phone version of John Cusack in "Say Anything" but the hilarious and sweet version that a very good friend would do.... Yeah, it wasn't Q who did it! It was, well, the person I thought I was never going to be able to speak again- HO. It was a nice chat and HO did what HO usually does when HO calls, which is pretending that HO's some kind of telemarketer or a person who has a wrong number and has a TERRIBLE accent! Today, HO pretended to be a recruiter from Bloomingdale's.... I don't know.... If you have ever met HO, you would know that HO's a character!

Anyways, HO decided to call me and just update me in life and whatnot while I was at work today. When I finally realized that we were on the phone for about an hour, I thought I better get off just to be proper and all since I wasn't the only one in the office (and yes, I was doing work the WHOLE time!). About 30 seconds after I hung up, I saw the "unknown number" come up again on my phone. Having a good feeling it was HO again, I was planning on answering with "Yes, Bloomingdale's recruiter....." but before I could even say anything, HO was playing "our song". Well, it's actually one of his favorite songs that we used to listen & sing along to while we were driving around, bored out of our minds back, oh, 5,6,7 YEARS ago!!! This is how we would be:

HO- "I'm bored."
ME- "Me too."
HO- "What do you want to do?"
ME- "I don't know. What do you want to do?"
HO- "I don't know. Wanna come pick me up?"
ME- "Sure. Be right there."

That would be happen about 5-6 times a week! We would usually end up finding something to do, let it be going to the bar we frequented or shopping somewhere (HO loved to go to Ikea or TJMaxx/Ross, SERIOUSLY!), we always entertained each other. I even got HO to leave OC a few times when HO usually just hated leaving the city of Orange! I would drag HO with me to San Diego to visit PH or other friends I had down there. One thing we always had was music to listen to. I got HO into the kind of music I liked and HO would sometimes get me into stuff he liked yet this one song we had never heard before until LBS introduced it to us.....

Here it is--> Click here <-- BTW- VERY NSFW!!!

Yeah..... So that's "our song"! Inappropriate- yes. Disturbing- even more but that was us! I guess we're just weird... After LBS introduced that song to us, HO would LITERALLY play it EVERY time we got in the car!

Now if I hear that song (which is VERY seldom and random now!), I always think of HO and all the lil adventures we would have! When HO played it today, it really brought a smile on my face, a real genuine smile that I haven't had in a while.

I know HO doesn't read this but if so, thanks HO. What you did today really made me feel good and granted we're both bummed cuz we can't jump in the Odyssey anymore and drive around like we used when we were bored, we at least have those memories to think about and treasure.

me =)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

50 questions

I am SUPER bored at work and I'm over getting hang nails and paper & staple cuts from scanning so I decided to do this since someone posted it as a Bulletin on Myspace... Thanks Captain!

Here we go:

1) Do you like blue cheese?
And no.

2) Have you ever smoked heroin?
Once again, no.

3) Do you own guns?
Geez, a HELL no! But I will say that about 2 months ago, when my mom was in Arkansas (don't ask!) I came home from work to find the side door open and the front door locked when it's usually the other way around.... I was freaked out so I went to a neighbor's house to see if they would check out the house with me and he was like, "oh sure, just hold on while I go get my gun." Well, now I was walking through my house with a guy I HARDLY knew with a gun in his hand to see if someone was inside my house!!! For about 3.5 seconds, I thought that there actually may be some good with owning a gun if it was properly put away and whatnot. Then it hit me that there was a gun about 2 feet away from me and I said to myself, "never mind!"

4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
Eww.... no.

5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
You know, I don't yet I guess I have what's called "white coat phobia" where my blood pressure goes up if it's a new Dr. or if I'm anxious.... I don't know, I like going to the Dr. though.....

6) What do you think of hot dogs?
Only Hebrew National.... yum. =)

7) Favorite Christmas song?
OH! "Up on the rooftop"! We sang that in Kindergarten in the Christmas Program. I remember really liking it.....

8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

9) Can you do push ups?

10) Can you do a chin up?
Not yet.... My manatee ass needs to lose some more weight

11) What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
The lil diamond earrings that my mom's mom gave to my mom about 30 years ago. They were suppose to be for LBS since that's her birth stone but I 1- she loses earrings like no body's business (sorry LBS but ya know it's true!) and 2- I've been wearing them since Jr. prom (circa 1999!) and I have taken them out MAYBE 3-5 times since!

12) Favorite hobby?
Other than watching TV, I would say dancing. I dance when no one's looking or in my room.... I need to go back to dance class...... =(

13) Ever been in a car wreck?
Ugh, yes.

14) Do you have A.D.D.
No but I do believe I have OCD and Dylexsia, hardcore!

15) What's one trait that you hate about yourself?
That I'm not adventurous when it comes to trying certain foods.....

16)What is your middle name?
Mercedes..... And yes, it's because my dad always wanted a Mercedes Benz so I'm his "Mercedes"

17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
1- Wanting to see him, like NOW!
2- Wanting to go home
3- What ever happened to Rachel Garko???

18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
1- My usual Starbucks breakfast sandwich (they're discontinuing them in Sept. so help me god, I'm having one EVERY day until they're gone! BUT! I have also lost about 20-ish lbs. while still eating them so WOOT!)

I think that's all I bought yesterday...

But I did buy the most AMAZING dress at the "Fat Chola Store" a few days ago for $33! It's fantastic!

19) Name 3 things you usually drink?
2-Sobe Lean Cranberry & Grapefruit

20) Current worry?
My sanity

21) Current hate right now?
Not seeing him

23) How did you bring in the New Year?
Boring. Been like that for the past few years.... Not the best, especially if you're birthday IS New Year's!!! (Yeah, that's right.)

24) Where would you like to go?
Anywhere at this point! I'll be in NY in about 2 months though....

25) Name three people who might complete this?
NO idea!

26) Do you own slippers?
I think I did then Delilah found them and god knows where they are now! At least she actually found a pair of flip flops for me! Thought I was going to have to go by some $2.50 ones at Old Navy...

27) What shirt are you wearing?
One of the many black shirts I own.... This one has a kinda belt buckle on it..... All I wear is black.

28) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
Never have and don't know how I would feel sleeping in them.....

29) Can you whistle?
Yes and no. Yes cuz noise comes out of my mouth yet instead of blowing out, I suck in..... I know, I'm odd.

30) Favorite color?
Um, black?

31) Would you be a pirate?

32) What songs do you sing in the shower?
LOL I don't really sing in the shower.... I actually dance in the shower! But if I do, it's whatever song is possibly in my head

33) Favorite girl's name?
I would have to say either Delilah (since that is what I call the lil brat that I have right now!) or Samantha (or Sam) cuz that's what my uncle Rudy has called me ever since I was a baby... Why? We don't know....

34) Favorite boy's name?
I actually like the name "Bert". Just Bert. There's probably others but Bert comes to mind.

35) What's in your pocket?
Well nothing since I don't have any pockets today!

36) Last thing that made you laugh?
Listening to some Kevin & Bean clips during my lunch hour

37)Best bed sheet when you were little?
DUDE! The Garfield ones we used to have! God knows where they are now but you remember them, LBS!!??! They were AWESOME! I would used them right now if I knew where they were..... Boo.

38) Worst injury you've ever had?
Either a sprained knee from sliding into a "rock crater" at softball practice in 6th grade or a sprained hand when we went to Rosarito, MEX about a few years ago.... We had just finished singing Happy Birthday to someone and then one of the cell phones started ringing (which had NOT all weekend long!). When we were running to answer it, my hand slammed into the door frame.... My hand was literally a rainbow of colors for about 2 weeks!

There was also the time when I got cellulitis....... Talk about GOOD TIMES!!!

39) Do you love where you live?
Eh. Could be better but could be a HELL of a lot worst!

40) How many TVs do you have in your house?
6.... Damn.

41) Who is your loudest friend?
Huh.... Well, I think I would be any of my friend's loudest friend yet I'm going to have to say LBS..... Yes, she's my sister but I don't have very loud friends......

42) How many dogs do you have?
Now 2.... Maybe 3 if my CAM decides they want to get rid of Milo!

43) Does someone have a crush on you?
Hmmmm.... =)

45) What is your favorite book?
Not a big book reader yet I was digging on the Hardcover copy of "Mommie Dearest" that I found at my grandma's house a long time ago....

46) What is your favorite candy?
Reeses peanut butter cups, Snickers or Milky Ways..... But I'm not too into candy these days....

47) Favorite Sports Team?
Don't really have one now but back in the day, you wouldn't have met a bigger Atlanta Braves than me!

48) What song do you want played at your funeral?
As bad as it sounds, I have always thought of the music to play at OTHER people's funerals but for mine.... Geez, don't know.... Off the top of my head, I'll say "Finale B" from RENT.... It's amazing. =)

49) What were you doing 12 AM last night?
Getting into bed and trying to go to sleep.....

50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
That I didn't want to get up from bed..... Then I got an awesome phone call AND text and well, it woke me RIGHT up! =)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Slapped in the face Vol. 3, *Special Edition*

So I come home from work today and see there's a little girl in the living room watching TV. I go up to her and say, "Hi there. I'm Elizabeth. What's your name?" She informed me that her name is Bella and that she was here with her aunt who was downstairs helping my dad out with work. Her aunt is a very good family friend of ours and she had brought Bella by before but I think it was during tax season or for some reason, I wasn't home!

Anyways, talked to Bella for a few more mins and then went downstairs to talk to my dad & Bella's aunt. After a few mins though, I felt bad she was up there by herself so I asked her if she wanted to watch "So You Think You Can Dance" since I didn't get to watch it the night before. She was SUPER excited since it was her favorite show! (BTW- My mom actually got me into this show cuz I really had no desire to watch it yet I'm SO glad I do! The Bittersweet thing about the show is that this was what Wade Robson originally wanted to do for his show back in the day on MTV.... Oh well. He does help out with this show though....) Also, this year, a very good friend of mine from dance class/"The Wade Robson Project" is on the show! His name is Stephen "Twitch" Boss and for as good as a dancer he is, he's the epitome of what all people should be! He's as nice, sweet, caring and personable as they come and I'm SO happy for him right now! Once I saw he was on the show, I told my mom that he's winning, no if's, ands, or buts about it! To check out some of his dancing skills, either You Tube him or even watch the movie "Hairspray". He first comes in when they're having a party at MotorMouth Maybelline's place and then at the end when he's looking at Amber (Brittany Snow's character) and teaching her how to dance.... You won't regret it!

Alright, I have to learn how to control these tangents! I feel they're getting worse as the years go by! Anyways, Bella was kinda nervous around the dogs so I told her we could go watch it up stairs and the dogs wouldn't bother us there. So we go up to my room but we got to talking and then she wanted to do each other's hair. She just told me to put my hair in a side bun and then she wanted me to do the same for her. While we're talking, I notice how mature and well spoken she is. I mean, when I asked her who Britney Spears was, she not only told me who but what she did to Justin Timberlake by cheating on him! I sat there and soaked in the "ET" moment I was having with this child!

I knew she was young yet I didn't know how young. So while I was doing her hair, I asked Bella how old she was. She informed me she was 6. She then asked how old I was. I said, "26" and right then and there, I stopped and took a step back. It had just hit me that if I had followed the same path that all my friends did when we were 18, 19, & 20, she would be my kid! Well, not her but instead of me playing with her hair it would be more of an everyday obligation of doing her hair.... Get what I mean??? Either way, it kinda tripped me out and she even knew something was wrong! She was like,"What's the matter?" and I flat out told her that she could be my kid! She even said, "Wowww". It was really cute.....

After hanging out with her, it made me realize that I do want kids. Well, maybe "kid" and lots of dogs but I would like at least one and to DEFINITELY wait a few more years....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Slapped in the face, Vol. 2

**WARNING- The following post contains VERY graphic language and is not for the faint of heart or prudes. If the "F" and even "C" (oh yeah, I'm going there....) words are bothersome to you, then you may not want to continue on. Just wanted to give a fair warning that way people aren't like, "Damn, what the hell is her problem!?" Well, you're about to find out....**

You know, I made the category "Slapped in the Face" for the times that I have been really screwed and basically taken advantage of in the past. I didn't think that I would have a present example but I do and let me tell you, I'm infuriated! Actually, more disappointed, hurt and crushed but still infuriated. Let me tell you a lil story.....

Long time ago, I had (yes, had) a friend who I had known since 7th grade. Since then, I knew she used me for my acquired math skills but that was after she would make fun behind and even sometimes, in front of me. When she realized how good I was in Math, she then became my friend and I stupidly went along with it. Through out the years, she would continue ever so often but after awhile, more of an actual friendship happened and the "making fun of me" would only happen once in a while but she still would. Cut to after high school (which we didn't even go to the same school), we still talked and hung out. She started getting into these horrible relationships and she also started doing "shit" (aka- speed, meth, whatever you want to call it!) I, being the "pendeja" (<-- basically "stupid sap" in Spanish) that I am, I was there for her. I was always there when she needed someone to pick her up when she would be kicked out of her parents or even with whatever boyfriend kicked her out and even stupider, would take her to get her "shit". I never "shit" with her cuz I felt like I had enough health problems as it was and I didn't need to mess myself up anymore! Anyways, She then was introduced, by HO of all people, to "Him", the one who changed her life in more ways than one.

Everything really went downhill when "She" met "Him". "Him" would hit her, treat her like shit and "She" would just eat it up. There was one time he actually hit her in front of me and I was just furious and I started yelling at him. He then asked me if I wanted the same thing and started coming after me. Well, like I've mentioned before, don't fuck with me or the ones who are close to me cuz I'll go off! When he came towards me, I put my arms up and grabbed his, put them behind his back, pushed him to the ground and said, "Like I fucking said! You come after me, her or any other woman like that again and I will kill you!!!" and then proceeded to push him to the ground and kick him while I was at it, too. From that day on, he knew not to fuck with me yet when they felt they needed to leave here and move out of state to the middle of nowhere, there was nothing I could do to try and protect her. He one time literally almost killed her, having a knife to her neck and not letting her breath, but she then was able to move her legs and kicked him in the balls. I believe that's the only reason why "She's" alive today! Yet for some reason, after every fight, they would end up with each other once again.

"She" was, how do I say this politely, "loose, easy, had lots of sex with everyone known to man"?!? Yet she had NEVER gotten pregnant. She hated using condoms, wasn't on birth control, and would have it morning, noon and night, rain or shine, period or no period! It seemed like there was NEVER a time where she wasn't doing it! We even had the discussion that we thought that she was infertile and couldn't have a baby! Well, what do you know??? She actually gets pregnant by "Him". I didn't believe it until she showed me the slip from Planned Parenthood. She took that as a sign that "She" & "Him" were meant to be. As "She" would say, "I mean, why him? I could have gotten pregnant by anyone else but I got pregnant by him. It's a sign...." Yeah, a sign "She" was a moron!

During her pregnancy, she was out of state so I wasn't around to really see how she was doing. We would talk on occasion but there was nothing I could do from here. About a week away from her due date, I got a call from not only her but from her folks. Turns out that "Him" got pissed about SOMETHING (who knows what but it was always something really stupid!) and he pushed her around, thankfully she landed on the bed. "She" was able to run (waddle) out of the place yet while "She" drove away, he threw rocks at the car windows and broke the back driver's window and the passenger window. Her & her folks called me to go and pick her up. They were paying for my plane ticket and then they gave me gas money to drive her and ALL the baby stuff back here. I did it with basically a 16-18 hr. notice. When I left the next day to drive our to her dad's place, I just told my folks I was going to San Diego for the weekend to visit PH (that's where she was living at the time) and that I would be back in a few days. <--(*note- I didn't end up telling my folks I did that for about a year.....)

So there I was, up to the middle of nowhere to pick up my pregnant friend that was about a week away from her due date in a little 2-door car with broken windows, 16 hr. drive and for about 10 of the hrs. with NO reception on my cell phone! At one point, we were in Oregon, going over this lil bridge and we randomly saw a stork. Like a legit, what you see in the movie "Dumbo" and "Father of the Bride 2", stork! I said to her, "Oh wow, look! A stork!". "She" was pretty surprised to and then it hit me. I turned my head, eyes as wide as possible and said to her, "Don't you DARE have this baby right now!!! We're in the middle of nowhere, have NO supplies and no cell reception!!! Don't even THINK about having this baby right now!!!" She didn't (thank god) but still........ It was scary.

Once I got her home, I basically took care of her til the baby came out. Took her to all her dr. appts., got to see the baby in the ultrasound, even got to hear the baby's heartbeat and have hiccups! Seemed like at least once a day I took her out to eat somewhere! I mean, I took my job seriously in taking care of her. All I asked was that I would be able to be there when the baby was born. Well, she went WAY over her due date and ended up having the baby about 2 weeks after the due date. Coincidentally, I was leaving to go to Meixco City with "HO" the day before they induced her. I was just heartbroken. I wanted to be there SOOOO bad when that baby came out and now I had to jump on a plane and miss it. When I went to wish her luck and to tell her to leave me messages on my phone once the baby came out, I was crying. I even for some reason apologized cuz I couldn't be there yet it didn't matter since........ "She" had "Him" come from out of state to be there for the baby's birth!!! So even if I was there when she went into labor, I couldn't be in there cuz HE WAS THERE!!!! I couldn't believe she did that! "Him" wasn't even suppose to come near her, let alone leave the state he was in! It was the only thing I hated about the birthing video <--(Oh yeah! There was video and it was FANTASTIC! It was all over the shoulder, so you couldn't see THAT and her reactions were the BEST!!! I took everyone I knew to watch it cuz it was great!). Right when I got back from Mexico City, I went home, dropped off my stuff and me & my hair, which still in place from the night before (they're hardcore when it comes to doing hair over there! And it only cost $10!!! They probably used every dangerous chemical and poo in my hair but it looked good....), went over to see the baby.

I knew the minute I saw him that he was the most amazing child born. He was perfect in every way. I remember when I first got to hold him and feed him, while watching the greatest birthing video alive, I said to him,"Always remember that I love you and I will ALWAYS be here for you, no matter what". From then on, I considered him as if he was part of me.

I would go over everyday. "She" and I got close again and I was there every moment I could to help her with the baby. In truth though, it really wasn't tough. I truly feel he has me spoiled for whenever I end up having kids cuz I only hope they're as good as he was! Really, it was crazy how much of a good baby he was! Everyone knows I'm a BIG advocate of not taking kids out of the house until they're a double digit age but with the baby, it didn't matter! We would run down everything we had to do for the day and I would end it saying, "Well, let's take the baby." We would go shopping for hours and whatnot and he would just kick it in the stroller, smiling and getting all the attention he could want! So many people would make the comment that he was so well behaved and I would flat out say, "Oh, we know!". Well, that was one of the things "She" hated that I would do, that I would say "we". "She" said when I said that we sounded like we were a lesbian couple! I didn't mean that but I could see why she would get pissed so I had to change what I would say.
Once the baby was born, "She" kinda got back into drugs ("shit, speed, meth"...whatever!). "She" always said one of the main reasons why she did it was to lose weight.... yeah..... I'm really trying not to be a bitch and I am going to preface this by saying that I don't talk shit, I only tell the truth-- Honestly, for as much as she did,"She" was the only person I had EVER met that never lost a significant amount of weight while doing drugs! It was crazy! Well, since she started again and I was stupid, I would tell her that I would watch the baby while she went out. I even gave her my cell phone just in case she needed me or I needed her in regards to the baby. One night though, I honestly thought she was dead. I called her god knows how many times. She said she was going to be about an hour or so and when it was almost the 4 hr. mark, I really started to freak out. I was ready to call hospitals yet LBS was with me and she just flat out said to call her mom. So I did. Finally, at about 3:30-ish in the morning, she came back and the first thing out of her mouth was, "YOU CALLED MY MOM!?!?". Not a "I'm so sorry." or "I couldn't hear the phone." or "I was teleported to another world with no reception".... Nope, just pissed cuz i ratted her out. That's when she started holding the baby against me and not let me see him. She knew that it would kill me if I wasn't around him and that's what she did. There would be maybe one or two times where we would make up and start talking again but something would happen and we wouldn't speak.

I think the big thing to happen would be that she actually started getting serious with "HO", who , if I failed to mentioned, was "Him's" BEST FRIEND and the one who introduced "She" & "Him"! Yes, best friend and former square dancing partner at Outdoor Ed, "HO". Well, there's a reason why I call "HO", well "HO"! Long story short (cuz this whole post isn't long enough as it is!), "HO" got with one of my friends from dance class and because I'm stupid and naive, when "She" asked me if there was something going on between "HO" and my friend, I just told her. Why? I don't know. I just did and as it is, it took "HO" and I a few years to get over the WHOLE situation. But, at first, she thanked me for letting her know and then made it seem like it was MY fault "HO" and my friend did it! ANYWAYS... The whole point- I was the bad guy, again!

Cut to now- "She" and "HO" actually got married (I wasn't invited), they have their own kid (aka- Satan's spawn), and they're kinda miserable but that's just the sense I get from them. The baby (not SS, the "in my eyes" perfect one) just turned 6...... In all the years he's been alive, I've been to 1 birthday party, which was his first. I had gotten used to the fact that I never got to see him or attend anything he did in school or in sports yet I saw something today that just made me lose it.

A while ago, "HO" had given me the blog to one of the baby's grandma's blogs cuz she would update every so often with stories and pics of the kids. It was my only way of having any connection with the baby. So since I knew yesterday (the 14th) was his birthday, just on a hunch, I checked out the blog to see if MAYBE she posted some pics of his birthday. Well, she did. He looked so sweet and happy. I was looking at all the pics when one caught my attention-- "She" invited people to her son's birthday that she used to do drugs with but now you know, they're mothers and their lives are different and whatnot & all the good shit. I was devastated. Granted the pic that I saw was of one of my good friends that I still talk to every so often, it just made me so sad that I, who was not only there for "She" but her baby, the baby who changed not only my life but everyone's around him! I don't know why but I just lost it. I mean, I was almost inconsolable and it made everyone around me feel bad. They tried cheering me up but it took driving and realizing that my life will be MUCH better than hers in the long run to make me feel somewhat better...... It literally felt as if she came over and slapped me across the face when I saw that pic.....

**UPDATE** 10:45pm- So.... It turns out that when I informed LBS about the party/pic I saw and LBS knew how much it hurt me, she actually called "She" and left a voice message! We got to Vegas at approx. 6-ish and then just kicked it for awhile. When we were eating, she got a callback from "She"! I just sat there in a quiet shock while LBS talked to her.

According to LBS, the reasons that "She" gave why she doesn't want me around or really in her life is that I'm too opinionated..... Ummm, duh! I know I am and yes, I sometimes don't know when to shut up YET what "She" doesn't like is how I voice my opinion on "Him", you know, the guy who basically killed her and was the sperm donor to the baby??? Yeah.... What good could I say about him?! He's NEVER been in the baby's life, "HO" has done SUCH an amazing job on the baby that the baby actually thinks "HO" is his real dad, and for crying out loud, "Him" treated "She" like shit! The ONLY good thing that EVER came out of the whole thing was that amazing baby came out basically perfect! You know, it's something I've noticed about people who really shouldn't have kids but when they do, they're mindblowingly perfect and amazing??? Anyways, "She" made it seem like I was talking shit about her husband and not the person who just provided the sperm & almost killed her! I have NEVER heard her defend or be grateful for her ACTUAL husband the way I heard her defend that asshole who's in jail til the baby is about, oh, 18-20, at the EARLIEST!!!! When LBS informed me of this, I took responsibility for about 10-25% of my actions towards being opinionated and not knowing when to shut up YET I and even LBS pointed out that why the HELL is she defending this stupid ignorant asshole so much??? Well, I did point out to LBS that I will go to my GRAVE saying that if she had a chance, she would go back to "Him". She is the epitome of a battered wife and either way, she's going to ruin that lil boy's life. "She" has full custody of the boy AND "HO" is actually on the verge of trying to adopt him yet "She" saves all the letters "Him" writes and "She" wants to tell the boy about his REAL father probably within the next few years.... Smart, huh??? Tell a 10-12 year old that the man who you thought was your father isn't and some scum of the earth who's basically rotting in jail is??? Brilliant.

So, in closing this BEYOND long post (Thank you to the 3 of you who probably took the time to read this WHOLE thing!), I end with an open letter to her:
To you-
I would like to thank you. It only took about 14 years yet I truly see what/who/how you are as a person. I now see and understand that because of the insecurities you suffered ever since you were a child with a mix of being the most spoiled brat who got whatever she wanted and never appreciated anything that came to her is apparent to the way you are today. You think everything is suppose to be simple? You think everything should go your way? Well, think again. Actually I don't think I have to say that since you're now living in what YOU made for yourself!
I wish a few things for you:
1- To realize how lucky you are to have the man that you call your husband. Don't take him for granted yet I think it's too late to say that since it seems like you really never did appreciate anything he ever did. He stopped his life to help you & the baby and yeah, he fucked up but guess what??? YOU decided to stay. YOU could have left. YOU could have proven to EVERYONE how you matured once you had the baby and made a good life for the both of you without depending on anyone to support you financially. If the day ever comes that you can see "Him" and you actually do, you will be the stupidest cunt ALIVE!!!!!
and 2- Really realize that you gave birth to a truly amazing son. You may think he's a good kid but I don't think you actually realize how you hit the jackpot with him! I would die to have a child like him! I only DREAM of literally having a child JUST LIKE HIM! You will never know how many times I thought it was not fair you had him, that he is yours cuz in truth, you don't deserve to have a child like him! YOU DON'T DESERVE HIM IF YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING!!!!!!
We had our moments in life but I am officially done. I want NOTHING to do with you and it kills me to say that since I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to talk to a friend who was once one of my best friends (HO) and especially since I won't be around for the baby. As weird as you may think it is, I truly felt I had a connection with him. From dreams to things in common, there was just something about him & I. Now that lil boy has no recollection of who I am and that is the one thing that I'll always hate that you did to me. I would have seriously rather you shoot me than take the boy out of my life.
So, in the future, when you're not sure about lil things like unemployment, IRAs and lil shit like that, why don't you see if you have any brain cells left and try to figure it out yourself! Most likely you won't and you'll just get screwed like always. It shouldn't be too bad since it's something you should be used....
So long.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Is this really happening???

I mean, really? I am really getting old or have high school graduations become the BIGGEST waste of time to attend for the simple fact that, well, it's a waste of an hour. Do I sound like a cold hearted bitch who should remember that I once graduated from high school? Well, 1- I've mentioned my graduation before (reader's digest version but you get the picture) and 2- see if you won't agree me with after my latest experience:

So we went to AB's and our other cousin's graduation Thursday night (they went to the same school so at least we go to kill 2 birds with 1 stone!). I was actually really excited to go, being that I was just in awe that AB was graduating. Not that I didn't think he would! It was more of the fact that I remember his mom showing us her belly when she was pregnant with him and especially, when we had the baby shower for my aunt, the house we were at had a Nintendo and I passed the whole game of Super Mario Bros. (the OG) without losing a life!!! That's hardcore for an 8 year old! I've told AB that story so many times that he now makes fun of me....

Anyways, back to the graduation! It was at 8 at night (BIG + in my book), they had the choir sing like 2 or so songs that were very nice and pretty (a + plus again) and then the ended the whole graduation with fireworks. At first I was like, "Chees-zay!" but right when I was going to say, "Why are we watching these lame ass....", the fireworks got pretty good! Like there were 1/4 of the size of Disneyland's night show! That's impressive in my book.....

And you know what??? THOSE WERE THE ONLY HIGHLIGHTS!!!!!!! Everything else, SUCKED! We couldn't even heard ANYONE'S names, let alone see them, the sound system was absolute shit, there was WAY too much noise, ala "let's bring horns, pots, PA systems, and whatever else we can use to annoy others around us". I even yelled at someone cuz she didn't bring anything to make noise so she made her own by shrieking as if she was in a horror movie about to be chopped into very fine pieces and ready to be thrown in a wood chipper! She was sitting behind us, RIGHT behind my father and he was already irritated about being there and then this stupid hunk of meat did that. I turned around and said, "REALLY!? Did you REALLY have to do THAT!!!?!?" and her response was that her brother just graduated. I then said, "I don't care if your whole family is up there, that was rude and stupid! Who do you think you are??? You just screamed into my father's ear, let alone who knows who's names others missed because of that! You idiot!" All my family was telling me to shut up, especially LBS cuz she thought I was going to get "shanked"!

I always thought that my graduation was SUPER lame cuz we couldn't cheer or clap when someone's name was called. Now I kinda see why.... BTW- I'm still going on record that my graduation still sucked, just not as bad as this one! From having to wear all white (full & half slip under the gown!), walking in as if we were going to get married (seriously, 175 walking in like that tooks about 30-40 mins, no lie!), not being able to wear sunglasses at 8 in the morning and looking/facing right into the sun, to the infamous speech of "anyone who cheers will be escorted out" and then repeating, "we will call security on you if you continue to cheer" (cheering being a "yay" or clapping, not bullhorns or pots & pans!), mine SUCKED!!! It was not an enjoyable day, let alone not even an emotional day! I was a fucking mess for my 8th grade graduation and all I wanted was to leave my high school graduation and go back to bed!!!

So while I sat in torture, I thought about the 3 best high school graduations I had ever gone to:

Starting at #3- Vista High School, C/O 1999 (San Diego County)

It was not only PH's high school graduation but also my "Will's"..... Yeah there were the bullhorns and what not but you could still hear EVERYONE'S name. I also sat with a great bunch of people that I had become friends with. Afterwards, I was looking for PH but ended up with all of "Will's" friends and some family. I had a blast taking tons of pictures and actually celebrating my friend's accomplishments. It was a really great time.

#2- El Modena High School, C/O 2000 (Orange County)

So this was actually a very bittersweet graduation for me. This was actually suppose to be my graduation. See, I went to public school from K-6 then my folks had me go to a catholic school for 7th & 8th. I said, "Fine but I'm still going to Elmo." They said I could yet when it came time to apply and take tests for the private schools, my folks urged me to take them, you know, "just to see how I would do and see if I could pass the test". Well, since I did, they basically said that I needed to go! I fought. I fought HARD!!! I had ALWAYS imagined, since I was in kindergarten, that I was going to be president of the school, play softball for Elmo (I even met the coach!), do drama and just have a good time with all my friends! Nope. Didn't work out that way. I will say that my mom did try really hard to get my dad to let me go yet he had always wanted his girls to go to an all girl's school to get this "best education around" (BTW- El Modena- One of the BEST public high schools in SoCalifornia, let alone maybe the STATE!). Now, if the high school I went to were to burn down, my father would be the first to piss on the ashes!

Anyways, back to the graduation-- One of my very good and dear friends from Prospect (the elementary school I went to) invited me since you needed a ticket. As I sat there in the bleachers, I was so happy and proud of all my friends that I saw but I just couldn't help think that I should have been walking with them. It was truly an enjoyable time. Everyone was so happy and excited and truly worked their asses off! I saw some of my friends who didn't have the best up bringing, their first language being Spanish and would have a difficult time with school work actually graduate and when they saw me, they gave me hugs and asked how I was. One guy in particular had the up bringing of living in a REALLY bad neighborhood with the worst gangs in Orange County (some of his really good friends and family members were part of them!) and there he was graduating. I went up to him and gave him the biggest hug and told him how proud I was of him since I didn't see any of his other friends graduate with him.... All and all, it was basically a perfect graduation, with just the lil exception that I should have been with them graduating....

And #1, by FAR:

Trabuco Hills High School, C/O 2007:

Wow. That's all I should just say but of course I can't! This was a MINDBLOWING graduation! See, this was a graduation for my friend yet I was closer to her brother, who at the time, was my best friend (Since September, we went on our separate ways due to the fact he thinks with his dick than with his head/heart.... AKA- chose the stupid bitch he was going out with over me to hang out with, who, since god knows when, they broke up! Anyways....)

So at first, I was kinda worried since I had never met their folks. I knew that the parents were on the verge of getting a divorce and I didn't know how they would be since I was basically sitting by myself with them for awhile, waiting for my best friend to arrive! Well, the mom and I got along RIGHT from the start! She's a great lady! Even though it was a late afternoon/early evening graduation, we had very good seats that were NOT facing the sun, while we waited for the actual graduation to start, they had some of the students tape record messages of thanks to their parents and shared memories of school, the whole "everyone walking in" process was REALLY fast, PERFECT sound system (some feedback yet really, compared to all the ones I had attended, this was like a rock concert sound system!), not only heard everyone's names but heard the speeches and the inspirational stories of some of the students-

Examples- one was a student from Bosnia, who at first, didn't know the English language very well and was now going to Stanford on a Scholarship, 2 students had cancer and won the battle and were there graduating, and there were about 20-ish students with full on athletic scholarships to some big time colleges! Seriously, impressive!

Oh and these kids were SO creative and had spunk while giving their speeches, just amazing! If EVERY graduation was like that, they would probably be more tolerable! I think the best thing high schools should do to stop from every "Joeblow" person from attending would be having a set amount of tickets! Except for the Vista graduation, the other 2 graduations and mine had tickets. So if any of you work for a high school and have the same problems at your graduations as them being HORRENDOUS, try the ticket thing....

I'll end this with what I did at LBS's graduation. I was still very pissed about my graduation so when I had to attend hers at the same high school I went to, when they called her name, I was basically right there with all the teachers taking pictures of her getting her diploma. Right when they called her name, I yelled her nickname as loud as I could to the point everyone turned around and looked at me! Yeah sure, call me a hypocrite for yelling at LBS's graduation yet I got mad at the girl behind us but ya know what??? I felt I had EVERY right to do that and I was giving the infamous "Fuck You!" to the damn school I went to and damn it, it felt great! All LBS did was turned and waved....

It was pretty woot.... =)

Friday, June 13, 2008


Talk about a shitty day in the media world....

1- The R. Kelly Verdict..... What.The.FUCK?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!? Seriously, it's SUCH a good thing I am not into running for any kind of office where I could possibly one day become president cuz if that were the case, I would probably be assassinated for my new rules/laws/views of this country, which is called, "The greatest country in the WORLD"! MORE LIKE "WE'RE THE LAUGHING STOCK OF WORLD"!!!! How could a jury let him go??? I mean, the man was being charged with 14 counts of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY and didn't even get a slap on the hand??? Even after the verdict, some of them mentioned that they knew it was him in the video but because there was NO OTHER EVIDENCE (BTW- how much MORE do you need when you have THAT!?) they couldn't say that he was guilty because the girl in the video (who, by the way, was Kelly's GOD DAUGHTER!) didn't want to deal with the drama and testify. Just mind blowing.... Thinking that was going to be the worst thing I was going to hear today.....

2- Tim Russert passes away unexpectedly. Now I will say that I didn't watch his show all the time and at first, the name wasn't clicking with me but the moment I saw his picture on the news, I just started to tear up. This man was 58. This man actually brought good into this world. This man was a good man. 58 years old. It also hit me hard because my dad is 58 and he doesn't take care of himself as well as he should and it just scared me. I mean, I love both my parents so much and unconditionally yet I feel I have so much to learn from my father on what to do in regards of my career and what & how to take care of myself and my family financially. I would be inconsolable and wouldn't know what to do with myself if I lost him just in the next few years, let alone out of the blue! I try to remind him that I and we ALL need him here and that he HAS to take better of care of himself....

So after seeing everything that has happened, it made me think of life. How is it that a man, who's as guilty as anyone could be, get away without a slap on the hand yet a man, who brought integrity into not only the world of politics but just to life itself, passes on at the age 58???

Now, let me preface this and say that I am NOT a very religious person yet when things like this happen, in my opinion, there's only 2 ways of thinking:

1- that what we live in now is Hell and when we do pass on, we truly are rewarded by going to Heaven and if someone passes too early then it means that they have suffered enough in this ''Hell" and are being rewarded earlier than most for being such an outstanding human being
2- there is no God.

But hey, I'm just sayin'...

Hoping for a better day,

me. ={

Thursday, June 12, 2008

About me.

My "Blogmother" (Not Very Anon Mom) tagged me for this meme.... Here it goes:

The rules of the game get posted at the beginning of the post.
Each player answers the questions about themselves in their post.
At the end of the post, the player then tags 5-6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

The Questions:

What was I doing ten years ago?
Well, I was 16 and just finishing sophomore year in High School. That summer, a friend of mine from school and I went down to San Diego to hang out with PH, her boyfriend at the time and boyfriend's friend. Boyfriend's friend was SUCH an amazing guy (BTW- he later turned into my "Will" as I was his "Grace"..... but it ended.). On the way down there, we got into a pretty big accident (some cars were totaled or severely damaged yet no one was hurt!). It was so big that they had to close part of the freeway and all that good shit! Since we had to play the waiting game for tow trucks and police men, we took pictures. One thing I'll never forget was while we were in Downtown San Diego, we saw a homeless man asking for food. Everyone was passing him by and ignoring him. As I thought about it and feeling bad for him, "Will" said, "Hey, let's go buy him something to eat." I had never done that before and it was such an awesome feeling to hand him a carnitas burrito and chips with about 2 or 3 things of water. That day we also went to the Museum of Death (re-opening soon!!!) and found out the owner was stuck in the horrendous traffic from the accident we were in (which wasn't our fault!) and gave us a discount!

What are five things on my to do list for today?
Well, woke up, did my morning routine of getting ready for work and checking to see if Delilah pooed anywhere (she's usually pretty good about using her potty pads yet she likes to also poo in certain parts of the house), went to Starbucks for my breakfast sandwich (they're discontinuing them in Sept.!!!! I'm heartbroken...), going to all my "sites" that I usually go to and I have a graduation to attend tonight (seriously, I can't believe AB is graduating.... I'm so old.)

Snacks I enjoy?
Hmmm...... Target cheese (cheddar), Sobe Lean Cranberry/Grapefruit, Goldfish crackers mixed with peanuts & pretzels, Pirate's Booty, a lot of the 100 calorie pack things.... There's more but I think I'll just stop here......

Things I would do if I were a billionaire?
Huh! Well, first things first- Get my place in Balboa (Peninsula or Island), travel like no other, get every kind of bulldog ever made (American, English, French.... Hell, if there's a Mexican one, I'll get that too!), and really, just enjoy life.

Three of my bad habits?
Hmmm.... See, I know for a fact that one of my bad habits is TOTALLY wrong/bad/will kill you but I consider it like my "therapy"/calms me down/and well, I kinda like it. Won't put it on here just for the fact some people out there don't know I do this (No, it's not illegal!). The other ones- I'm sometimes too blunt & don't think of what comes out of my mouth and I cuss, A LOT!

Five places I have lived?
Umm... I've only lived in 2 houses- and they were a mile away from each other! I've lived in Orange County, CA (in the city of Orange) all my life!

Five jobs I have had?
JUST 5!?!? Oh, god.... how am I going to pick these-- 5 worst or 5 best? I guess I'll just do the last 5.....

1- Tax Secretary/Tax Preparer at a CPA firm (where I am currently)

2- Receptionist at GE in Irvine at the Park Plaza Buildings

3- Admin. Assistant/Personal Shopper at Tiffany & Co. (yes, Tiffany's)

4- An Assistant to the VP of a up & coming technology company (one of the coolest bosses EVER!)

5- As an audience coordinator/check-in person for the Wade Robson's Project on MTV (SO MUCH FUN! Worth the 2 hr. drive in LA traffic)

How did you name your blog?
It's simple. I always say "woot". I actually started saying it before long before it became as popular (circa 2000) and I even thought about sending it to Webster's but I thought it would be too silly.... Oh, was I wrong since it was WORD OF THE YEAR LAST YEAR!!! But I spell it with "o's" instead of zeros.... It looks ridiculous with zeros....

Tagging some people here that I believe could use a little distraction:
As it is, I get ridicule from some people I know for having a blog and I also only know a few people who actually blog so how about whoever feels like doing this, just let me know.....

Monday, June 9, 2008

Lil' recap of the weekend....

Friday- Went out with my "aunt" (really, my dad's cousin but in my family, we consider anyone who is older than us either aunt or uncle! Just is...) to grab a bite to eat & see SATC. It was suppose to be all the women in our family (aka- 3 others! My CAM was out of town and she would have been the 4th) but they bailed out. It was nice though cuz her & I had really never hung out just us 2! We had great dinner conversation about family, friends, life and whatnot & well, I haven't really told anyone this but she had me do something that was pretty shocking yet amazing.....

See, most of you don't know how I am possibly one of the pickiest eaters ALIVE! Fruits/Vegetables=uh, NO!, Fish=get real!, anything semi-weird and exotic=in HELL! So we went to eat at a place called the "Market Broiler", where they specialize in fish. She flat out said to me that I had no choice but to try her salmon. Since I didn't want to throw a tantrum like a five who won't eat what's on their plate, I said, "Ok....".... Well, what do you know??? It wasn't that bad. Actually, it would probably be the ideal thing for me to eat cuz it wouldn't take that much to make me full! THEN she had me try a carrot........For the record, I know this all probably sounds ridiculous but seriously, this is some big shit!!! Took a bite and it actually reminded me of a kinda hard potato...... So yeah. That was something........

Anyways, saw SATC. It was my 2nd time since I went opening night. I must say it was actually better the 2nd time around.... My "aunt" LOVED it and I will most likely see it 2 more times, once with my CAM and another with my mom and her semi-prude cousin (who, I must say, has gotten better over the years yet it was still awkward seeing "40 year old virgin" with her AND my mom!) Went home to the lil bitch (aka-Delilah.... I love her & she's adorable but god, she's a bitch!) and went to sleep....

Saturday- Laid in bed ALMOST all day and caught up with stuff on my DVR, which I truly needed to do! Pretty bad since I basically did catch up but oh well! I really just wanted to do that! It was nice....... Then I noticed that Delilah, for some reason, likes to lay on her potty pads and well, she smelled so I asked PH if she would help me give her a bath. Since it was Delilah's first bath, there were pictures taken and she actually really liked it! She liked it so much that when I went into the bathroom to wash my face, she followed me in, stood on her tippy toes and was looking into the bath tub, as if she wanted to go back in....... It was SUPER cute!

Later that night, PH and I went to go see "The Fall"....... Now, if some of you have NOT seen the preview/trailer for the movie, go here. If you are interested in seeing the movie, stop reading here and jump to the paragraph after the stars JUST IN CASE you don't want the experience to be possibly ruined......

**We first saw the preview when we went to see "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and I was in awe. I couldn't WAIT for it to come out! I waited basically 2 months since seeing the preview to see this movie so I was dying in anticipation! My review-- Visually stunning. If this was a silent film, it would be the most AMAZING thing ever captured on film! It was beautiful! The thing that semi but not really brought it down was the story. Yeah, there was a point and it was made and you got something out of it yet they could have done more with the script. I was originally going to give it an A-/B+ yet PH reminded me of the movie "Pan's Labyrinth" and then I changed my grade from a B+/ solid B....... I still say people should go see it just for how gorgeous the film is! And while you're at it, watch "Pan's Labyrinth" too that way you can see what I'm talking about! You can thank me later..... =)**

Sunday- Hung out with the "units". Went to pick up my cousin who just came back from Outdoor Ed and he & I got to talk about how much we REALLY didn't like our experiences when we went! He did say his experience was better than mine but I think any one's would have been better than when I went:

-Our teacher told us what to pack, how to dress, how the weather was going to be.... all that good stuff! We took like 2 pairs of jeans, tons of shirts and tank tops and like 1 jacket since, according to my teacher, it was going to be like 70-80 degrees....... Yeah...... Too bad, even in the end of April, it was hardcore snowing!!!! We had easily had 2 feet of snow on the ground and still had to go on all the hikes and trails! 3 people brought gloves so the rest of us had stuff from the lost and found (I had one green glove & a brown mitt)!

-My counselor was TOTALLY crazy (most likely bordering on bipolar!) since in public she would be bouncing off the walls and then when we were in our cabin, she would yell, jump & scream at us, just for the hell of it!

-We had to do a square dance on the last night there and I wanted to dance with the guy I had a crush on. Well, since my 6th grade teacher was "semi"-racist, he basically partnered the Mexicans together, the white kids together, the black kids and so on..... So I got to dance with (coincidentally) with a "nerdy, big glasses and bowl hair cut" HO........ It was truly embarrassing and I couldn't wait to go home!

-Everyone cried on the way home from Outdoor Ed because they were going to miss it. I, on the other hand, was literally singing, "We're going home, we're going home"

-Oh and on the way home, my teacher informed me that my mom almost came up with the principal for the last night "festivities"! My mom knew my principal from back in the day and he invited her and she was ready to come but she then had something come up and didn't.... Let me tell you, if she did come up, I would have made the biggest scene for her to take me home THAT night!!! I do remember jumping into my mom's arms when I got home cuz I was SOOOO happy to be back!

Anyways, back to Sunday-- Just went out to dinner with LBS and then went to CAM to hang out for a lil. Then went home, did laundry and watched Delilah go crazy chasing after a toy laser my mom bought at Pet Smart. It was quite hilarious..... =) It also tires her out, which is a VERY good thing!

Alright, hopefully tomorrow, I'll be able to post something a lil more exciting...... Thanks for reading!

me! =)