Monday, November 10, 2008

A Warning-

**Please know that 1- this is my blog so I have every right to express my opinion & what's on my mind & 2- you, the reader, also have an opinion and have every right to think or feel strongly about whatever your heart desires. This is my humble opinion that I feel I need to express. I know for a fact it will most likely rub quite a few people the wrong way so I felt I should put a lil warning for others to know....

So I've been really thinking about it and it really SUCKS! What sucks you ask? Well, it's the fact that I'm really disappointed that I can't be REALLY excited for Obama winning the election. Even after looking at these pics of election night of him, his family & the Bidens, it makes me sad and I'll tell you why it makes me sad:

What happened last Tuesday was truly historical. I can completely see & understand that. This man, who I have to admit has so much charisma and such a presence, became the first African American to become president of the United States and all I can think is, "Oh my god, we're SO screwed!". And no, it doesn't mean I don't want a Black President to run this country. If, let's say Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice ran and won, my GOD! I would pick my manatee ass up and be doing cartwheels! It's the simple facts that 1- I truly believe this man doesn't know what he has gotten himself into AT ALL! Especially with the condition our country is in right now, this is NOT the time for someone with not much experience to be running this country. Last week, my father went to the doctor and they were talking about the election results. It was the doctor who made this point- "It's comparable to someone being in a lower position for about 4 months & then being offered the CEO position" How does that make any sense??? & 2- being a 1st generation Cuban American and having a father come to this country as a Cuban refugee, it's hard to be behind someone who proclaims change when the last time my father & his family heard that was about 50 years ago when a young man named Fidel Castro proclaimed the same thing. The comparisons to both Obama and Castro are actually quite frightening and it truly does worry me how this country will be ran. If you don't believe me, ask my friend Google to help you see....

Please know that I understand Bush isn't the brightest bulb in the pack & that the man made mistakes but you know, he isn't as horrible as everyone pictures him. Yes, we can agree the man can make himself look like an idiot at times yet I feel at times the man gets a REALLY bad rap for things when a lot of the times not EVERYTHING is his fault. 

You know, it's amazing. Clinton is looked at as a God when he did nothing but reap the benefits that Bush Sr. created and got blown in the Oval office! Oh, and you know the mortgage crisis that's going on??? You know how you want to just want to blame Bush? Well, guess who was one of the first to start/initiate it??? YOU GOT IT! Clinton! And 9/11? Well, it could have most likely been prevented if Clinton realized when the Sudanese OFFERED Osama Bin Laden and guess what? Clinton didn't take it. He was warned 12 times in the 7-8 years he was in office with terrorist threats and what did he do to prepare our country? Nothing. When the World Trade Center was bombed in '93, did you know he only made that a NYPD job, not an FBI job? So before you go and say how fantastic he was, at least try to see his faults and how he ran things..... I can at least admit to Bush not being perfect but for those who praise Clinton, try to see the wrong in him too....

Now that I went on a semi-tangent, I will end on this note- I am a person who actually likes to be proven wrong. There is nothing else I actually like..... actually LOVE than being proven wrong! The reason for that is in most cases when I feel I'm right, I usually am and it disappoints me that I could see that but no one else could. Now, if Obama were to prove me, my father, my family & fellow friends who are mainly Republican and any other naysayers about his abilities to run this country and to get us out of the massive shit hole we're in, well, let's just say EVERY ONE OF YOU can literally rub my face in it! You can say, "HA! You stupid idiot bitch! We told you he could do it and look! He fulfilled every promise he has made without making us all look like asses!" I will be right there to take it all in & I'll actually be ECSTATIC that it's happening...... Problem is, I don't think it'll be happening.... Here's hoping though.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

oh, don't worry....

I know I'm a horrible human being.... The funny thing is I've had things written that I've met to post but haven't! Anyways, here are a few things to read. I'll update later with pics of puppies (yes, puppies!), stories and the latest on life....


me! =)

the results

on the way home from work yesterday, my father & i had a discussion about the election results. we're completely baffled at the results:

1- let me just say RIGHT NOW, i wasn't impressed with both candidates.... i mean, this is the best our country could come up with??? and now we have a man with the only experience of 143 days as a senator about to run our country. its the equivalent of working on a dock & after 4 months, someone saying to that person, "hey, the CEO quit & now we're giving you the position!"

2- living in California, we had some very interesting props to vote on. ill get to prop 8 in a second yet did you hear about prop 4? if not, check it out. i understand there are exceptions to every law/rule yet: 1- when i was in high school & had a headache, i couldn't take an aspirin without someone's permission & 2- my sister, who is a manager of a tanning salon, must have a parent come in, fill out a consent form & on file at ALL times, it will say, "this person under the age of 16 has permission to tan".... remember, i just said TAN!

3- prop 8.... you'll never know how much that hurts me and I'm straight! people keep saying it would ruin the sanctity of marriage.... um, newsflash! it had already been ruined by the many people getting married for health benefits, becoming legal and most importantly, people just thinking, "oh, ill get married & if it doesn't work out, ill just get divorced... no big deal!" if anything, i think it would have been restored for the simple fact that most of the gay friends i have in my life want their lives to be as regular/normal as everyone else so they value their relationships, love the idea of spending their lives with someone forever, let alone, having a family of their own! for this to pass, its basically separating water fountains again....

me =(