Thursday, March 27, 2008

Yeah I know.....

.....These posts I've been writing are novels long! I think it's for the simple fact that 1- I have so much on my mind & 2- I talk A LOT! This one should be a little shorter just for the fact that I have about 16 mins. left of my lunch because I was on the phone with Ticketmaster this whole time.....This is the situation I'm in:

First, let it be known how much of a fan of the musical "Rent"(alright, I guess you can call me a "RentHead"). I remember I was 16 when I first saw it with some friends from high school, my mom & her friends! I was in awe the whole show. It was just amazing and I have been in love with it every since. I think I've seen it about 6 times and the soundtrack never gets old (I have it basically memorized!).......When it came out in theaters, people knew how much it meant to me & mentioned they would go see it with me when it came out. What I would tell them is that I first had to see it by myself before I saw it with anyone else! And that's exactly what I did......It was the very first movie I had every seen by myself too! I went opening night & cried the whole time! So when I heard it was closing on Broadway, I actually got so sad that I started to cry. My dream was to one day see it on Broadway and it looked like I was never going to get the chance to.....

Then EW online wrote this 8 pg. piece that started from the beginning (when it was just an idea in Jonathon Larson's mind) to talking about it's end on June 1. After reading that & sobbing like a bitch, I decided right then & there, I'm going. I have to! I'm not going to miss out on this, something that has made such an impact in my life for the past 10 years! NO!!! I don't care! I'M THERE!!!!

Looked at the calender and as much as I would have liked to attend the last show, it's also the same weekend as my cousin Ollie's bday & I promised him for his 18th, we would get matching tattoos in remembrance of our grandparents who passed away. Then the weekend before is Memorial Day and there's no way in HELL I'm going near an airport! Been there, done that.... So I picked May 17th. Thinking this is my last & only chance..... Well, that was until I saw what "Cousin" Perez informed me yesterday:

So....yeah. Already bought the theater AND plane ticket & then this is announced..... Well, I'm trying to work the magic I sometimes do and see if I can possibly change the theater ticket. The plane ticket change will probably be about $40 but its cool cuz 1- I got the ticket for a HELLA good price and 2- It isn't official but there's a 99.9% chance I will get to experience NY Fashion Week with one of my best friends!!! I must say, it nice to have people with major connections!!! =)~ We're not holding our breaths but I'm being semi-optimistic and that's BIG for me!

As of right now, I'm waiting to hear from Ticketmaster who's getting in contact with the theater to see about the change. Once I get the ok from them, I'll change my plane ticket and be on my way...... All I know is that I will actually be following through with something I said I would do and I know it's just going to be amazing....

Well, I'm going to bed....I had to finish this at home since I didn't have enough time during lunch at work. I'm exhausted and can't wait for everything to calm the hell down....Only 19 days left til the 15th.....

Until tomorrow at lunch,

me! =)

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