Friday, March 28, 2008

Estoy Cansada

For those who don't know or read spanish, that's "I'm tired".......I had planned on writing at lunch but was on the phone with Ticketmaster (details coming up). Then when I came home from work, I talked to my mom & came into my room about 7:15 & by 7:30, I was out! I had Blogger open to start typing and I just ended up with a laptop on top of me while I slept! It's approx. 11:30 & I just woke up from a 4 hr. nap! When I woke up, I realized that I had 30 mins. to make a post that would count for today so here I am.....

So, as Ice Cube so adequately put it, "Today was a good day".....Got the call from Ticketmaster and my request to change my ticket went through (now I just need to figure out how long I'll be in NY......All I know is that I'll be there on Sept. 4th), got a HUGE confidence boost from the guys I work with & to top it off, my mom's crazy/kooky friend made cupcakes last night & they were DANK! <---(meaning "good & yummy", not "unpleasantly moist or humid".....Get with the lingo people!)

Well, I'm about to end this cuz I'm really tired (and kinda hungry too) but before I do, I want to start something that I would like to do every Friday which is pick someone (or someones) to admire each week. 

For my first pick, I will pick the Walsh family (Brad & his "not so anon mom"). It was reading their blogs that really motivated me to start my own. They are also VERY amazing writers & I enjoy reading anything they write! While "not so anon mom" lives in Ohio, taking care of her family & working, Brad is starting to make a name for himself as a musician (he created the music for Christian Siriano's Runway show for Project Runway), yet he's been making music for years AND he's also an AMAZING photographer! I hope I get the chance to run into him when I'm in NY but I have a feeling he may be busy since his boyfriend is pretty "ferosh" and has become "kind of a big deal"...... ;) Check out their sites..... They definitely seem like good people and in my opinion, that's hard to find in today's world!

Tomorrow should be a (hopefully) short day, meaning we leave here at 10:30-ish and are home by 9-ish..... I'll write sometime tomorrow night....

Have a good one & ttyl...
me! =)

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