-Still really tired...
-Catching up on stuff on my DVR.....Well, I'm caught up with "Beauty & the Geek".....
-Doing my 2-Day cleanse that I'm not sure if it's really been working.....
-Have to pee like a racehorse but I'm trying to hold it in! Ok, there's no more holding....I'm now going to run! BRB...
Alright, now that the last thought has been done, let me tell you about my favorite "random" thought today-- It's how my lil baby sister likes to put the fear in God in guys when she doesn't want them to hit on her anymore. What does she do, you ask??? Well, instead of informing the guy she has a boyfriend, she just tells them that if they try doing anything to her that I (me, her older sister) will either hire someone or hell, just kick the ass/kill the person myself! She informed me of this yesterday cuz she went out with some friends awhile ago & I don't know how the convo came to this but yeah, she informed some guy not to mess with her cuz I would kill/kick his ass..... I thought that was hilarious but honestly, it's the truth! I would do it for anyone who was close to me. There's the running joke that I'm people's bodyguards (i.e.- LBS & other friends who are very petite).... Let me say, I'm not a violent person. I'm not even a mean person, at ALL! But.... You fuck with me or someone close to me, you better be running for the hills, motherfucker! I may be a slow ass manatee but if I catch up to you, it's over.
It reminded me of when I was in Kindergarten........ It was a nice bright sunny day & we were out at recess....... I was actually wearing a skirt which was SUPER rare cuz I hated wearing them! A group of us were out in the field & all of a sudden I see my crush, Jared Tomlin, (1st grader) getting picked on and being pushed around by a 3rd grader.......Well, needless to say, I was LIVID and I just stormed over there, pushed the 3rd grader to the ground and started hitting & kicking him! I think it lasted about 15-20 seconds but what I do remember is this:
-There was a circle around me & the kid
-No teachers saw so I didn't get in trouble!
After that, the 3rd grader wanted NOTHING to do with me! Probably for the simple fact that he just got his ass "served" by a kindergarten GIRL! I know it shouldn't be but it's one of my prouder moments in life.....
I tell my folks that if I were to ever be in a situation where I had to defend myself, I can confidently say I can. My mom says that she doesn't want me to always think I can cuz guys are most of the time stronger than girls......Well, mom, I think it's better to think that I can stand up & defend myself instead of thinking I can't cuz then if & (god forbid) when I were to get into a situation like that, I would be prepared & I think that's when the adrenaline would kick in too!
Anyways, now that some of you are probably thinking I'm going to go on a rampage, I'm going to go back to doing data entry for tax returns........FUN!
OH!!! I almost forgot to mention- I got my first comment! So excited! <--(Seriously, it's the little things, people!) So thank you whoever you are! I truly appreciate it you not only reading my blog but taking the time to leave a comment as well!
Til about 12:45-ish tomorrow,
me! =)
Monday, March 31, 2008
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