Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In my head....

There are a few things I'm thinking about right now:

- How the phone conversation with long lost friend.....<--(I'll definitely talk about that later tonight!) 
- How much "American Idol" BU-LOWS! (Seriously, it's time to give up! You had a good run now leave with some dignity....)
- How much "How I met your mother" is just fantastic! Not only was Britney Spears pretty good & cute but the last few minutes of Monday's show made my semi-pessimistic, cold heart melt & shed a tear...... (See, I guess there's still a romantic side of me....yay!)
- How, in about 20 minutes, I get to stand and assemble tax returns.....(Seriously, there's like 20! Boo....)

But mainly, what's on my mind is what PH (I'm stealing that from "Not so Anon Mom"!) said to me last night.....

So I go into PH's room & we're talking about how tired we are from working.....PH has a VERY stress-filled job but unlike mine that lasts for about 4-5 months, PH lasts ALL year! So anyways, PH gets 3 days off & I get the weekend off but during tax time, it's only 1 (Sundays & I'm usually in coma!). When PH said I get the weekend but then I told PH that until the season's over, I only get Sundays, PH said, "Well, that's your choice. You chose to go out with your dad. No one is making you. So that's on you." Now, just in case PH reads this, I know that may have not been what was exactly said but I know that's what PH meant.

Let me explain something about tax season in my house. My father has been doing taxes for about 33 years now. He is an amazing & brilliant man when it comes to this kind of work and instead of you coming to him, he goes to you. So during the week, he does the OC (ugh, can't believe I said that!) & on the weekends, we go out to San Bernadino, Riverside & LA counties. For you who don't live in Southern California, from our house, that's about 20-75 miles, one way! In truth, he doesn't need to do it since he retired from being a truck driver when he was 41 yet he does this to not get bored through out the year & to honestly help others out. It is truly insane how much he does for others!

The thing with my father though is that he is a VERY depressed man, especially since my grandparents passed away almost 3 years ago (3 months apart too!) and he does NOT take care of himself! He is diabetic (on insulin shots) & doesn't eat properly & exercise at ALL! About 5 years ago, he started falling asleep at the wheel & also falling from not eating or if he was eating, it would all be crap that people who give him (i.e.- candy, breads, know, shit he shouldn't be looking at, let alone EATING!!!) So, in order to:
1- Watch what he eats & also make sure he eats
2- Keep him company & drive him around (I also have a good sense of direction)
3- As he's getting older, he's also forgetting ALOT so I'm like his lil assistant
4- To also learn the business (Hello, I'm taking over in a few years here!)
I go with him. Yeah, I could be the asshole of all assholes and just say, "No, this is my time off & I'm staying home", I go and guess what? I enjoy it SOOOOOO much! My dad & I have become really close in the past few years because of this bond we share. I learn so much from him yet he says he doesn't know alot. Yeah, he may not know about foreign tax & shit like that but I call bullshit on him whenever I can and tell him he knows more than he thinks.

It really bothered me that PH said that. Like ALOT. I tried to explain it to PH but I just gave up. I didn't want to get into it at 11:50 at night. But if you're reading this, yeah, it bothered me.

Alright, now that I'm 2 minutes late in getting back to work, I need to end this! I will definitely write about "Long Lost Friend" tonight, for sure!

Til Tonight,
me! =)

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