-Still really tired...
-Catching up on stuff on my DVR.....Well, I'm caught up with "Beauty & the Geek".....
-Doing my 2-Day cleanse that I'm not sure if it's really been working.....
-Have to pee like a racehorse but I'm trying to hold it in! Ok, there's no more holding....I'm now going to run! BRB...
Alright, now that the last thought has been done, let me tell you about my favorite "random" thought today-- It's how my lil baby sister likes to put the fear in God in guys when she doesn't want them to hit on her anymore. What does she do, you ask??? Well, instead of informing the guy she has a boyfriend, she just tells them that if they try doing anything to her that I (me, her older sister) will either hire someone or hell, just kick the ass/kill the person myself! She informed me of this yesterday cuz she went out with some friends awhile ago & I don't know how the convo came to this but yeah, she informed some guy not to mess with her cuz I would kill/kick his ass..... I thought that was hilarious but honestly, it's the truth! I would do it for anyone who was close to me. There's the running joke that I'm people's bodyguards (i.e.- LBS & other friends who are very petite).... Let me say, I'm not a violent person. I'm not even a mean person, at ALL! But.... You fuck with me or someone close to me, you better be running for the hills, motherfucker! I may be a slow ass manatee but if I catch up to you, it's over.
It reminded me of when I was in Kindergarten........ It was a nice bright sunny day & we were out at recess....... I was actually wearing a skirt which was SUPER rare cuz I hated wearing them! A group of us were out in the field & all of a sudden I see my crush, Jared Tomlin, (1st grader) getting picked on and being pushed around by a 3rd grader.......Well, needless to say, I was LIVID and I just stormed over there, pushed the 3rd grader to the ground and started hitting & kicking him! I think it lasted about 15-20 seconds but what I do remember is this:
-There was a circle around me & the kid
-No teachers saw so I didn't get in trouble!
After that, the 3rd grader wanted NOTHING to do with me! Probably for the simple fact that he just got his ass "served" by a kindergarten GIRL! I know it shouldn't be but it's one of my prouder moments in life.....
I tell my folks that if I were to ever be in a situation where I had to defend myself, I can confidently say I can. My mom says that she doesn't want me to always think I can cuz guys are most of the time stronger than girls......Well, mom, I think it's better to think that I can stand up & defend myself instead of thinking I can't cuz then if & (god forbid) when I were to get into a situation like that, I would be prepared & I think that's when the adrenaline would kick in too!
Anyways, now that some of you are probably thinking I'm going to go on a rampage, I'm going to go back to doing data entry for tax returns........FUN!
OH!!! I almost forgot to mention- I got my first comment! So excited! <--(Seriously, it's the little things, people!) So thank you whoever you are! I truly appreciate it you not only reading my blog but taking the time to leave a comment as well!
Til about 12:45-ish tomorrow,
me! =)
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
oh boo....
So the coma I planned on being in today only lasted about 8 1/2 hrs.! I really wanted to wake up after 11 but at 8:37, my body decided I had enough sleep...... Mom made a dank-ass breakfast! French toast, potatoes & bay-con! YUM. Played with the filthy animal for a bit then came back to lay in bed....... Roamed the Internet & found out some stuff about people I went to school with..... Just clarified for me on how we should all wait to get married and have kids!
Instead of writing nonsense, like it seems I always do, today I decided to fill in a lil survey/questionnaire that I got from Bean's Blog. If you'd like, feel free to copy & either post it under the comments sections or if you have a blog or myspace, post it there:
Name one thing you do everyday:
I would have to say go to the many sites I do, literally, everyday!
Name two things you wish you could learn:
1- How to drive a manual (stick shift) car
2- How to tolerate going to school & just get it over with!!!!
Name three things that remind you of your childhood:
1- Arby's chocolate shake.... It reminds me of Sundays with my grandma.... We would always get the same thing- Arby's sandwich, curly fries & a chocolate shake...... When I went to Arby's yesterday, I decided to get a shake (it was part of their 5 for $7 promo) since I had not had one in years......When I took the first sip, a smile came on my face cuz I imagined I was sitting inside the Arby's off of Lincoln & Euclid with my grandma.....<-- A tear just left my eye after I wrote that....
2- a Mickey Mouse wind-up toy car from a McDonald's happy meal..... I have NO idea what happened to it & I haven't since it in WELL over 2 decades but whenever I played with it as a kid, it was all I needed for hours! I even tried going on EBay to see if I could find it but so far, no luck....
3- playing softball..... I played from the time I was 6-16......It was all I knew for the longest time.... To this day, I can easily say it was one of the best times in my life....
Name four things you love to eat but rarely do:
1- Papa Rellenas from Porto's Cuban bakery in Glendale ("Glendale!")..... It's basically a fried breaded ball with potatoes & ground meat that we have for Christmas....We have a tradition we started about 4 years ago that on 23rd of December, we leave the house like @ 5:30-ish to be at Porto's by 6:30-ish (that way we can bet the crowds) & we get a 'buko" amount of food for Christmas eve.....
2- Pepe's Breakfast Burrito..... I'm sorry but unless you've had one, there's no way of explaining how amazing this burrito is! And you actually have to get it without salsa cuz I truly think it loses it's greatness! They're chorizo burrito isn't bad either but you have to (or should share) it with someone cuz they're BIG! All I know is that I'm glad Pepe's isn't that close to me or I would be a bigger manatee than I already am.....
3- Kix's cereal...... I've always loved it yet my dad will only buy it if he has a coupon...... Boo. =(
4- Pizza Rosa...... I honestly don't remember the last time I had it!!! It may be years! Basically, imagine what you think a pizza would look & taste like and there you go! Only, instead of Italians owning the place & making it, you have Asians who own & Mexicans who make it..... but I don't care! =)
Name five things/people that make you feel good:
1- My bed.... My aunt gave it to me....... It's a knock-off Tempur-Pedic bed & everyone who ever lays in it take a nap & lose an average of 4 hrs. of their lives.....It's the best!
2- My friends/family (immediate & distant).... Yeah, they get on my nerves ALOT but they're fun, twisted, ghetto & demented..... I love them all each in a different special way.....
3- Having the same AOL email for the past 12 years! Seriously, if I were to become famous or even the President of the United States (2 thing that most likely never happened but just sayin'....), I would still have this email address!
4- My DVR....... nuff said.
5- My memory..... I don't know what or how but I can remember vivid things from when I was 2 years old! I love how I have so many stories & memories stored in my mind yet it almost scares me! Just in case something happens to it, that's why I'm writing on here as back up!
K, I' going to try & take a nap.......
Talk to you later,
me! =)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
On the road...
9:09- So I'm writing this on my phone since I don't think ill be home before midnight... This is being written as I hear my dad tell this man across from me his refunds from the feds & state... It's about 9-ish and we still have 3 more houses to go to... We've already gone to 8... I'm fucking exhausted, let alone I can only imagine how my dad must feel since he can't sleep thanks to my mother's snoring...On our way to the next house...
9:26pm- Sitting here listening to my dad analyse how this man has total screwed himself by refinancing for the 2nd time in about 4 years... The reason why he's able to say what's on his mind is for the simple reason the guy is not sitting with us while his taxes are being prepared... What appreciation... According to my father, this shouldn't take long...
While I wait for my father to finish, I must say that the day hasn't been too bad- The first 2 clients gave my dad more than the asking price, new promo at arby's (it's what we eat on Saturdays), talked some people out of doing some HUGE financial mistakes... Had to get on my dad's case though about what he was drinking (very sweet orange juice) but he saw that I was doing it with good intentions...
Looks like he's done... We're about to leave yet I must tell you about the daughter at this house... She walked out with a baby that looked like she was about a month or 2 old... Turns out the baby is 4 DAYS OLD!!! She delivered an 8 lb 14 oz baby NATURALLY!!! That's hardcore... Anyways, 9 down, 2 to go... On our way to Corona...
10:12- At the 2nd to last house... This guy lost his job at Arbon make-up factory... Once again, while the guy was away from the table, my dad mentions to me the hardships this guy & his family have gone through... I can hear the family watching "Flavor of Love" in the other room... I'm feeling brains cells die... Just made coffee for my dad & I... I think I've lost my touch in making coffee a lil... This guy thinks my dad is asking about ALL the upgrades or improvements on his house when all he needs to know is if he's done anything to better energy use... Ah! Looks like he's refinanced too!!! My god... Its so sad... These people don't understand how they're fucking themselves when they refinance so often! Refinancing is a big deal but people think that they can/should do it just to get money out to pay off things or better, buy things...ugh, I don't want to get into this at 10:30 at night but if you have ?'s on why refinancing is usually a bad thing, email me... We're done here! On to the last house!!! Woot...
11:00- THE LAST HOUSE!!! Now I'm wired b/c of the coffee at the last house but I really just want to fall asleep... I'm having great conversation with these people! We've been talking this whole time that I've barely written anything! The lady is a general mgr. of Del Taco so that's woot in my book! We're about to leave so ill finish this at home...
9:26pm- Sitting here listening to my dad analyse how this man has total screwed himself by refinancing for the 2nd time in about 4 years... The reason why he's able to say what's on his mind is for the simple reason the guy is not sitting with us while his taxes are being prepared... What appreciation... According to my father, this shouldn't take long...
While I wait for my father to finish, I must say that the day hasn't been too bad- The first 2 clients gave my dad more than the asking price, new promo at arby's (it's what we eat on Saturdays), talked some people out of doing some HUGE financial mistakes... Had to get on my dad's case though about what he was drinking (very sweet orange juice) but he saw that I was doing it with good intentions...
Looks like he's done... We're about to leave yet I must tell you about the daughter at this house... She walked out with a baby that looked like she was about a month or 2 old... Turns out the baby is 4 DAYS OLD!!! She delivered an 8 lb 14 oz baby NATURALLY!!! That's hardcore... Anyways, 9 down, 2 to go... On our way to Corona...
10:12- At the 2nd to last house... This guy lost his job at Arbon make-up factory... Once again, while the guy was away from the table, my dad mentions to me the hardships this guy & his family have gone through... I can hear the family watching "Flavor of Love" in the other room... I'm feeling brains cells die... Just made coffee for my dad & I... I think I've lost my touch in making coffee a lil... This guy thinks my dad is asking about ALL the upgrades or improvements on his house when all he needs to know is if he's done anything to better energy use... Ah! Looks like he's refinanced too!!! My god... Its so sad... These people don't understand how they're fucking themselves when they refinance so often! Refinancing is a big deal but people think that they can/should do it just to get money out to pay off things or better, buy things...ugh, I don't want to get into this at 10:30 at night but if you have ?'s on why refinancing is usually a bad thing, email me... We're done here! On to the last house!!! Woot...
11:00- THE LAST HOUSE!!! Now I'm wired b/c of the coffee at the last house but I really just want to fall asleep... I'm having great conversation with these people! We've been talking this whole time that I've barely written anything! The lady is a general mgr. of Del Taco so that's woot in my book! We're about to leave so ill finish this at home...
12:46- I am typing this from my laptop as I lay in my bed...... and it feels so good.... I kinda liked doing a "live blog from house to house"..... It would have probably been more interesting if I started earlier.... I'll try it again next weekend...
All I know is that we left the house @ 10:30 this morning & got home 14 hrs. later..... Now I'm going to try & fall asleep!
Until I wake from coma,
me =)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Estoy Cansada
For those who don't know or read spanish, that's "I'm tired".......I had planned on writing at lunch but was on the phone with Ticketmaster (details coming up). Then when I came home from work, I talked to my mom & came into my room about 7:15 & by 7:30, I was out! I had Blogger open to start typing and I just ended up with a laptop on top of me while I slept! It's approx. 11:30 & I just woke up from a 4 hr. nap! When I woke up, I realized that I had 30 mins. to make a post that would count for today so here I am.....
So, as Ice Cube so adequately put it, "Today was a good day".....Got the call from Ticketmaster and my request to change my ticket went through (now I just need to figure out how long I'll be in NY......All I know is that I'll be there on Sept. 4th), got a HUGE confidence boost from the guys I work with & to top it off, my mom's crazy/kooky friend made cupcakes last night & they were DANK! <---(meaning "good & yummy", not "unpleasantly moist or humid".....Get with the lingo people!)
Well, I'm about to end this cuz I'm really tired (and kinda hungry too) but before I do, I want to start something that I would like to do every Friday which is pick someone (or someones) to admire each week.
For my first pick, I will pick the Walsh family (Brad & his "not so anon mom"). It was reading their blogs that really motivated me to start my own. They are also VERY amazing writers & I enjoy reading anything they write! While "not so anon mom" lives in Ohio, taking care of her family & working, Brad is starting to make a name for himself as a musician (he created the music for Christian Siriano's Runway show for Project Runway), yet he's been making music for years AND he's also an AMAZING photographer! I hope I get the chance to run into him when I'm in NY but I have a feeling he may be busy since his boyfriend is pretty "ferosh" and has become "kind of a big deal"...... ;) Check out their sites..... They definitely seem like good people and in my opinion, that's hard to find in today's world!
Tomorrow should be a (hopefully) short day, meaning we leave here at 10:30-ish and are home by 9-ish..... I'll write sometime tomorrow night....
Have a good one & ttyl...
me! =)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Yeah I know.....
.....These posts I've been writing are novels long! I think it's for the simple fact that 1- I have so much on my mind & 2- I talk A LOT! This one should be a little shorter just for the fact that I have about 16 mins. left of my lunch because I was on the phone with Ticketmaster this whole time.....This is the situation I'm in:
First, let it be known how much of a fan of the musical "Rent"(alright, I guess you can call me a "RentHead"). I remember I was 16 when I first saw it with some friends from high school, my mom & her friends! I was in awe the whole show. It was just amazing and I have been in love with it every since. I think I've seen it about 6 times and the soundtrack never gets old (I have it basically memorized!).......When it came out in theaters, people knew how much it meant to me & mentioned they would go see it with me when it came out. What I would tell them is that I first had to see it by myself before I saw it with anyone else! And that's exactly what I did......It was the very first movie I had every seen by myself too! I went opening night & cried the whole time! So when I heard it was closing on Broadway, I actually got so sad that I started to cry. My dream was to one day see it on Broadway and it looked like I was never going to get the chance to.....
Then EW online wrote this 8 pg. piece that started from the beginning (when it was just an idea in Jonathon Larson's mind) to talking about it's end on June 1. After reading that & sobbing like a bitch, I decided right then & there, I'm going. I have to! I'm not going to miss out on this, something that has made such an impact in my life for the past 10 years! NO!!! I don't care! I'M THERE!!!!
Looked at the calender and as much as I would have liked to attend the last show, it's also the same weekend as my cousin Ollie's bday & I promised him for his 18th, we would get matching tattoos in remembrance of our grandparents who passed away. Then the weekend before is Memorial Day and there's no way in HELL I'm going near an airport! Been there, done that.... So I picked May 17th. Thinking this is my last & only chance..... Well, that was until I saw what "Cousin" Perez informed me yesterday:
So....yeah. Already bought the theater AND plane ticket & then this is announced..... Well, I'm trying to work the magic I sometimes do and see if I can possibly change the theater ticket. The plane ticket change will probably be about $40 but its cool cuz 1- I got the ticket for a HELLA good price and 2- It isn't official but there's a 99.9% chance I will get to experience NY Fashion Week with one of my best friends!!! I must say, it nice to have people with major connections!!! =)~ We're not holding our breaths but I'm being semi-optimistic and that's BIG for me!
As of right now, I'm waiting to hear from Ticketmaster who's getting in contact with the theater to see about the change. Once I get the ok from them, I'll change my plane ticket and be on my way...... All I know is that I will actually be following through with something I said I would do and I know it's just going to be amazing....
Well, I'm going to bed....I had to finish this at home since I didn't have enough time during lunch at work. I'm exhausted and can't wait for everything to calm the hell down....Only 19 days left til the 15th.....
Until tomorrow at lunch,
me! =)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I told you I would....
....so here I am.
Ok, before I get into this particular story, I must preface by mentioning I was the "good Black Sheep" when it came to the people I used to hang out with back in the day (when I was 18-20). They were big time druggies and I was the one who may have been there or went with them to get it yet I never did it!!!! Call me a wussy but I have enough things wrong with me (health wise) and I didn't need to mix illegal drugs with the prescription meds I have to take! On that note.....
It's 1999. Just got my first real job working at Family Fun Center for the summer. It was a good job for any high school student. After a month or so, I started making some friends, one of them being someone I am calling my "Long Lost" friend.
LLF & I started hanging out together after awhile. Everyone thought we looked alike and would always get us mixed up! We had a ritual of working 9-5 on Saturdays, going to The Block, picking out a movie to see & then going to Starbucks to get a drink and smoke til the movie started. It was like clockwork! Everyone knew this & it went on like this for quite awhile.
Once I was fired from FFC (the first of many firings....ugh, remind me and I'll get into that one day!), we still hung out. It actually seemed like we were hanging out even more. Then I got my license and that was it! We were pretty much inseparable! I introduced LLF to my other friends and we basically became a foursome! We basically lived in my '85 Toyota Cressida (which only lasted 4 months but hey, it took us around and to Tijuana & back at least 3-5 times!!!). The next car I got was the '96 Oddessey minivan and something must have triggered something in the girls I used to hang out with cuz everyone started getting pregnant!
One day, one of us got pregnant. Then we became a threesome.....Few months later, someone else got pregnant.......Sure enough, LLF got pregnant too! It was weird but I supported all my friends who got pregnant and out of all my friends who got pregnant, I was only at the hospital for the birth of LLF's baby. I mean, I was RIGHT THERE!!! I saw that baby come out! They say when a girl/woman sees actual child birth before doing it for themselves, they're scarred and never want to go through it. I was the opposite! I proclaimed that I couldn't WAIT for that because it is truly one of the most amazing things you will EVER witness! BTW- I'm still waiting yet I think it will be worth the wait & hey! I'm only 26!
So anyways, one semi-crucial thing I left out was that the three people I used to hang out with were pretty addicted to Meth ("Speed" or "Shit" as they called it). The others got into it in high school ('99-ish) yet LLF didn't get into Meth until about 2002-ish. They all basically stopped once they found out they were pregnant yet what surprised me was how some of them got right back into it. LLF was the one who got carried away....
Once she gave birth, I only saw her about 5-7 times.....We lost contact for a while but she did call me when her mother passed away in 2003.....After that, LLF called me to inform me that she was in jail but she's out so I could go pick her up, all nonchalant, like everything was normal & we were going to hang out......I told her no & that was the last time I heard from her....
....Until Easter Sunday.
I got home from my aunt's house and came online. Logged into Myspace and saw a new friend request. I had no idea who it could have been but when I saw it was her, I was completely shocked! I had checked up on her a few times on the site to see if people were in jail. She was on there a few times. When I saw she wasn't in jail, I figured she was either in prison for 3 strikes or quite possibly dead.
LLF & I finally got to speak on the phone for the first time in 5 years yesterday. We caught up just a little. She informed me she had been in & out of jail, she put the baby up for adoption (but it's an open adoption), wasn't with the baby's dad anymore (thank GOD!), has been clean for over 2 years, is engaged to a guy who is very supportive of her & they also have a baby. The questions that she was asking me about my life & others we knew were kind of a trip since I basically don't talk to or hang out with any of them anymore. Hell, I barely talk to or hang out with anyone these days! It's crazy to think & put into perspective how much life can change in just 5 years, especially when it only feels like it was 5 months ago!
We plan on maybe meeting up for a cup of coffee & just catching up. Who knows if we'll ever be able to get back to how it was back in the day but I know it won't. Even though it was only a few years ago, things were so simple back then. Our biggest worries were if we had money to eat at taco bell or gas! Life just gets more complicated with each day that goes by.
All I know is that it took over 5 years to hear from LLF and it was just so good to hear her voice.
Really, it was actually pretty "woot". =)
In my head....
There are a few things I'm thinking about right now:
- How the phone conversation with long lost friend.....<--(I'll definitely talk about that later tonight!)
- How the phone conversation with long lost friend.....<--(I'll definitely talk about that later tonight!)
- How much "American Idol" BU-LOWS! (Seriously, it's time to give up! You had a good run now leave with some dignity....)
- How much "How I met your mother" is just fantastic! Not only was Britney Spears pretty good & cute but the last few minutes of Monday's show made my semi-pessimistic, cold heart melt & shed a tear...... (See, I guess there's still a romantic side of me....yay!)
- How, in about 20 minutes, I get to stand and assemble tax returns.....(Seriously, there's like 20! Boo....)
But mainly, what's on my mind is what PH (I'm stealing that from "Not so Anon Mom"!) said to me last night.....
So I go into PH's room & we're talking about how tired we are from working.....PH has a VERY stress-filled job but unlike mine that lasts for about 4-5 months, PH lasts ALL year! So anyways, PH gets 3 days off & I get the weekend off but during tax time, it's only 1 (Sundays & I'm usually in coma!). When PH said I get the weekend but then I told PH that until the season's over, I only get Sundays, PH said, "Well, that's your choice. You chose to go out with your dad. No one is making you. So that's on you." Now, just in case PH reads this, I know that may have not been what was exactly said but I know that's what PH meant.
Let me explain something about tax season in my house. My father has been doing taxes for about 33 years now. He is an amazing & brilliant man when it comes to this kind of work and instead of you coming to him, he goes to you. So during the week, he does the OC (ugh, can't believe I said that!) & on the weekends, we go out to San Bernadino, Riverside & LA counties. For you who don't live in Southern California, from our house, that's about 20-75 miles, one way! In truth, he doesn't need to do it since he retired from being a truck driver when he was 41 yet he does this to not get bored through out the year & to honestly help others out. It is truly insane how much he does for others!
The thing with my father though is that he is a VERY depressed man, especially since my grandparents passed away almost 3 years ago (3 months apart too!) and he does NOT take care of himself! He is diabetic (on insulin shots) & doesn't eat properly & exercise at ALL! About 5 years ago, he started falling asleep at the wheel & also falling from not eating or if he was eating, it would all be crap that people who give him (i.e.- candy, breads, sweets.....you know, shit he shouldn't be looking at, let alone EATING!!!) So, in order to:
1- Watch what he eats & also make sure he eats
2- Keep him company & drive him around (I also have a good sense of direction)
3- As he's getting older, he's also forgetting ALOT so I'm like his lil assistant
4- To also learn the business (Hello, I'm taking over in a few years here!)
I go with him. Yeah, I could be the asshole of all assholes and just say, "No, this is my time off & I'm staying home", I go and guess what? I enjoy it SOOOOOO much! My dad & I have become really close in the past few years because of this bond we share. I learn so much from him yet he says he doesn't know alot. Yeah, he may not know about foreign tax & shit like that but I call bullshit on him whenever I can and tell him he knows more than he thinks.
It really bothered me that PH said that. Like ALOT. I tried to explain it to PH but I just gave up. I didn't want to get into it at 11:50 at night. But if you're reading this, yeah, it bothered me.
Alright, now that I'm 2 minutes late in getting back to work, I need to end this! I will definitely write about "Long Lost Friend" tonight, for sure!
Til Tonight,
me! =)
- How, in about 20 minutes, I get to stand and assemble tax returns.....(Seriously, there's like 20! Boo....)
But mainly, what's on my mind is what PH (I'm stealing that from "Not so Anon Mom"!) said to me last night.....
So I go into PH's room & we're talking about how tired we are from working.....PH has a VERY stress-filled job but unlike mine that lasts for about 4-5 months, PH lasts ALL year! So anyways, PH gets 3 days off & I get the weekend off but during tax time, it's only 1 (Sundays & I'm usually in coma!). When PH said I get the weekend but then I told PH that until the season's over, I only get Sundays, PH said, "Well, that's your choice. You chose to go out with your dad. No one is making you. So that's on you." Now, just in case PH reads this, I know that may have not been what was exactly said but I know that's what PH meant.
Let me explain something about tax season in my house. My father has been doing taxes for about 33 years now. He is an amazing & brilliant man when it comes to this kind of work and instead of you coming to him, he goes to you. So during the week, he does the OC (ugh, can't believe I said that!) & on the weekends, we go out to San Bernadino, Riverside & LA counties. For you who don't live in Southern California, from our house, that's about 20-75 miles, one way! In truth, he doesn't need to do it since he retired from being a truck driver when he was 41 yet he does this to not get bored through out the year & to honestly help others out. It is truly insane how much he does for others!
The thing with my father though is that he is a VERY depressed man, especially since my grandparents passed away almost 3 years ago (3 months apart too!) and he does NOT take care of himself! He is diabetic (on insulin shots) & doesn't eat properly & exercise at ALL! About 5 years ago, he started falling asleep at the wheel & also falling from not eating or if he was eating, it would all be crap that people who give him (i.e.- candy, breads, sweets.....you know, shit he shouldn't be looking at, let alone EATING!!!) So, in order to:
1- Watch what he eats & also make sure he eats
2- Keep him company & drive him around (I also have a good sense of direction)
3- As he's getting older, he's also forgetting ALOT so I'm like his lil assistant
4- To also learn the business (Hello, I'm taking over in a few years here!)
I go with him. Yeah, I could be the asshole of all assholes and just say, "No, this is my time off & I'm staying home", I go and guess what? I enjoy it SOOOOOO much! My dad & I have become really close in the past few years because of this bond we share. I learn so much from him yet he says he doesn't know alot. Yeah, he may not know about foreign tax & shit like that but I call bullshit on him whenever I can and tell him he knows more than he thinks.
It really bothered me that PH said that. Like ALOT. I tried to explain it to PH but I just gave up. I didn't want to get into it at 11:50 at night. But if you're reading this, yeah, it bothered me.
Alright, now that I'm 2 minutes late in getting back to work, I need to end this! I will definitely write about "Long Lost Friend" tonight, for sure!
Til Tonight,
me! =)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
So I'm on lunch with about a half an hour left.....I've only been here for about 4 hrs. & I'm already tired! I want to go home and sleep!
But it hit me that there's exactly 3 weeks left of tax season so that's woot! It seems (at times) that the season has gone by pretty fast but then I remember ALL the driving on Saturdays, having only one day off a week & RJL here at my work! He's a VERY nice man but he's just.....I don't know......crazy when it comes to "crunch time" during tax season! AND THEN HIS WIFE!!! Seriously, I have never had so much anxiety with someone in my WHOLE life! Then when RJL & his wife start to argue around each other, ugh, just hand me a drink cuz my mind is about to explode!
Anyways, that was boring to probably all of you........Updates & interesting things going on:
-Bought my ticket to NY (I'll get into that soon); Now just have to find a place to stay without having to pay $300 a night!
-Someone that I thought was still in prison/jail just contacted me for the first time in about 5 years! Nearly had an aneurysm....
-Talked to my "ho" today......We have a weekly convo every Tuesday or Wednesday.......Told "ho" I would take them to breakfast after tax season was over.......Ho also updated me on their life.... It's when I hear the things "ho" tells me, it just makes me just want to run out and get married! (see "sarcasm")
-Had an odd dream last night about a guy I had in drama class in high school.......He seemed like a cluster-fuck now (in my dream, that is) and I now I feel I have to find him on Myspace to see if he's ok.....
Well, I'm going to go check my "sites"...... Instead of having "stories" (aka- soap operas), I have "sites" I read & look at EVERYDAY & at EVERY moment I have a chance, I'm on them! If I can every figure it out, I'll put them up here for others to check out.......
I'll try to come back tonight to write maybe a memory or a favorite story but if not, I'll be back tomorrow......
me! =)
But it hit me that there's exactly 3 weeks left of tax season so that's woot! It seems (at times) that the season has gone by pretty fast but then I remember ALL the driving on Saturdays, having only one day off a week & RJL here at my work! He's a VERY nice man but he's just.....I don't know......crazy when it comes to "crunch time" during tax season! AND THEN HIS WIFE!!! Seriously, I have never had so much anxiety with someone in my WHOLE life! Then when RJL & his wife start to argue around each other, ugh, just hand me a drink cuz my mind is about to explode!
Anyways, that was boring to probably all of you........Updates & interesting things going on:
-Bought my ticket to NY (I'll get into that soon); Now just have to find a place to stay without having to pay $300 a night!
-Someone that I thought was still in prison/jail just contacted me for the first time in about 5 years! Nearly had an aneurysm....
-Talked to my "ho" today......We have a weekly convo every Tuesday or Wednesday.......Told "ho" I would take them to breakfast after tax season was over.......Ho also updated me on their life.... It's when I hear the things "ho" tells me, it just makes me just want to run out and get married! (see "sarcasm")
-Had an odd dream last night about a guy I had in drama class in high school.......He seemed like a cluster-fuck now (in my dream, that is) and I now I feel I have to find him on Myspace to see if he's ok.....
Well, I'm going to go check my "sites"...... Instead of having "stories" (aka- soap operas), I have "sites" I read & look at EVERYDAY & at EVERY moment I have a chance, I'm on them! If I can every figure it out, I'll put them up here for others to check out.......
I'll try to come back tonight to write maybe a memory or a favorite story but if not, I'll be back tomorrow......
me! =)
Monday, March 24, 2008
just starting out.....
....So I've decided I really need to get into writing/journaling/blogging..... Whatever the hell you want to call it! I'm really going to make an effort to write everyday.....I may talk about my day, what I'm thinking about or what I'm going to do but what I really want to do is start writing down all my memories......I have so many stories it's ridiculous and with the way technology is coming along, before we know it, they'll be able to install hard drives from our computers into our heads! Ok, maybe not but I did come up with the TIVO idea when I was 8 and people thought I was crazy!!!
Just to warn any people who may not know me personally or not that well, I tend to swear, be crude & sometimes rude! NOT ON PURPOSE but it just comes out! Also, I will talk about friends & family on here but I will not use names (unless I am given permission!)But hey, if this is a place for me to come to & vent, then vent I'll do!
Hope you enjoy, stay around, see where I've been & where I'm going, how I got there & what will happen.....
Til tomorrow,
me =)
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