11:15- Go downstairs to make something to eat. Find out that today will literally be a nothing day! We may be home at 8!!! If that's the case, I may have to make a cameo at LBS's bday party...
11:58- Alright, our first appt. is in 2 mins. In Corona (which is about 25 mins. away)and we're still at the house!!! Had a lil argument with dad about putting on the shoes we bought him (you know, the ones that we were looked down on when buying them, ala our "Selena" moment). He didn't want to wear them for some reason & I told him he needs to put them on for better support AND to not trip like he did TWICE yesterday!!! We went back and forth for a few mins until he gave in & I got my way! Damn me for caring for my father & his well-being... He's finally coming to the car so I take it we're on our way...
12:38- So we're at the first house and this woman... ugh... She is something else! She's definitely teetering on being on the list of people we let go... Depending on how she is today, we'll see if she ends up on it...
1:20- Well, other than this woman giving a lil bit of attitude, insinuating that she's better than me & of course most, she's actually been decent. It was so out of the norm that my dad said (**fair warning- semi crude** ), without skipping a beat when we got in the car,"well, someone got a new battery for the dildo"... I was rolling! If you only heard how he said it, all nonchalant. It was truly classic... As of right now, it seems like she may not be on the list... On our way to next house...
2:13- As we drove to this house, I totally felt like an ass! While I was looking at the appt. list, I asked my dad who this person was & had I ever been there before. He looked at me as if I just had a stroke & lost my mind!!! We were going to a favorite of mine & I totally forgot his name & where he lived!!! God, if that doesn't show how out of it I have been I don't know what does!?
Anyways, it's a married couple who are both teachers. Nice, great, organized & welcome us with open arms every time we go there. They live in a downtown area that has some great old homes. Other than some upgrades in windows & paint, it looks like it's right out of the early 1900's. My favorite part of their house are the windows! It's just a piece of glass but there's no panels or fancy design. It's a nice & simple piece of glass. It's one of the things I just look at & soak in whenever I'm there. The husband & I talk about baseball & the Cleveland Indians (his favorite team & I went to school with one of the starting players). We take about 30 mins there & then leave. I only wish we could stay a lil longer at houses like this. Oh well...... Til next year.
To to next house.
3:12- Get to the next house & I stayed in the car for a few to try & contact someone to see if we could go by & do her return. See, my dad made the mistake (like he does WAY too often!) of loaning this woman money last year & well, she hasn't paid him back yet. Now she's avoiding him. What a shock. Well, once again, she has made some excuse to not meet up with us & I inform my dad that most likely he will NOT be seeing her or the money he lent to her ever!
Go inside for the last few mins of the return. This is a very nice lady. So is her husband. Unfortunately, they've been getting laid off & their just trying to keep their heads held high. I admire their determination to continue to work hard, even if they are close to SS age & retirement. Done here... On to West Covina....
3:56- OH SHIT. My father has just informed me he wants to go the opposite direction of the way we're suppose to go to see some guy we have been trying to get a hold of for well over a month!!! We tried to reschedule him but we could not get a hold of him so we're taking a chance to see if he still wants to get his taxes done. I'm not getting a good feeling about this.....
4:43- So right before we get to this guys house, my dad & I make a bet to see if the guy is even there!!! See, seriously, for while over a month, we would call, on average, 4-6 times a week, called family of his to check on his numbers, even called 411! Everyone had the same number we did but he NEVER answered or called back! I just said, "Fuck that. If he really wants to get his shit done, he would call us!"
When we get there, I told my dad I would stay in the car since it was about 100 degrees where we were & I was just going to sit in our car, wasting gas & battery that way I could stay cool. As I type this, I see my dad & the guy talking at the door. At one point, I actually thought the guy was going to hit my dad! Don't know why I thought that but I did. Anyways, I roll down the window to hear what they're talking about.
Turns out that the guy was "concerned" about my father. He waited ALL day last Saturday (the 5th) for my dad to arrive. My father informs him that we had been trying to get a hold of him NUMEROUS amount of times & ways. The guy asked what number we called. When my dad showed him the number, he informs him that he changed his number over 3 months ago. He called for an appt. 2 months ago. Doing the math people??? FUCKER GAVE US THE WRONG NUMBER!!! No one has the new one! Not even his own brother AND 411! He then informs my dad that being "so concerned" for my father & thinking something had happened to him, he just went somewhere else to get his return done..... Well, if that isn't a big "FUCK YOU" to my dad, I don't know what is?! If the asshole was so concerned, wouldn't he have called, like everyone else?! Let alone, he lives in butt-fuck Egypt! Doesn't he realize that my dad is doing this guy a HUGE favor is driving all the way out there??? Either way, when my dad got in the car, he was hurt & disappointed and I had to remind my dad that the guy is ignorant & this is way we shouldn't deal with people like this. I'm slowly but surely seeing him really understand why we need to cut idiots like this out of his life during tax season.......
5:36- We arrive about 30 mins early to the next house. Very nice people. This is about the 3rd or 4th time I've met them. The wife is super sweet. The husband is very nice but has a lil bit of an edge on him. We end up sitting there for about an hour & a half just talking! It was really nice.
7:03- Get to the "last house of the night". We actually came by about a month ago but no one was home. This is another house that my dad feels like he needs to loan these people money. I truly don't know when my dad is going to realize that he can't help everyone, especially the ones who don't appreciate it. They may say they do but most of the time, they don't.
Well, I will admit that these people are very nice. They also just had a litter of puppies and they were about 3-4 weeks old!!! I got to hold a few of them. I connected with the only non-black one and the woman noticed. She told me to come back in a few weeks and that I could have her!!! I was SUPER excited! All my dad said was to call my mom. I called her & she said,"I give up. Sure." So Delilah (I already picked her name out!) will be joining the filthy animal within the next few weeks! So excited!
8:02- After we left the "last house of the night", my dad says that we need to stop by 2 people places to get some checks to open IRAs for them. The first one we get to, the woman isn't there. What a shock. Takes us about 20 mins to find out what's going on since her mother knew NOTHING about ANYTHING! I hate going to houses like these. They're so irritating. With the whiny & snotty Hispanic voice to just being plain ignorant, I was done with that place within the first 2 mins. Everything taken care of. We leave!
8:28- We are now OFFICIALLY at the last house. I came by the same night I went out with my mom & LBS to shop for LBS's birthday party. Basically my dad went by to inform the guy how he has screwed himself. I was planning on staying in the car but I had to pee for the past 2 hrs. and I couldn't hold it any longer!!! The highlight (other than peeing) was playing with their dog named "patches". You know, you can tell the dogs that don't get that much attention. When I just said, "Hi" in my high pitch voice that only dogs & some deaf people (No, seriously! I guess it's a talent???) can hear, she goes nuts! She's so happy that all she can do is give me kisses and sit there and stare at me. I pet her the whole time I'm there. The last time I was there, they put her away cuz they thought she was bothering me. I inform them this time though that she can most certainly stay out here that way I can keep her company.
Once my dad has informed the people there how their kid has screwed himself, we go home! I told my dad that if someone who is half Black/half Asian decides going to someone in the Ghetto of Anaheim to get his taxes done, so be it! You know, the guy didn't even know his instruction letter was in SPANISH!!!! Well, to be fair, there were 2 letters that were in English- "Balance Due". Yeah.... I think it's just harded with some people than with others for my dad to let them go.... Oh well.... Home, James!
8:58- Well, we beat our record again! As I lay here typing this, I keep debating with myself on going to LBS's party. I REALLY don't want to go but I feel like I should.
9:45- Alright, I'm starting to get ready. I'll let you know how it is tomorrow yet I'm not getting my hopes too high.....
me =)
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