For President: Bubba "Numbs" Suarez
Age: 6 1/2
Breed: 110% mutt (his mom was a slut!)

Breed: 110% mutt (his mom was a slut!)

Qualifications- Leader of the pack & has been with us since he was 5 weeks old. He listens & understands what we tell him. Taught himself to go "potty" outside at the age of 8-10 weeks. When he got fixed & they put the infamous "cone" around his neck, he not only learned how to get out of it but he got one of his "lil babies" & tried putting the collar around it! We're convinced his IQ is about 187.
*- Doesn't this pic look like a pose a President who do?
For Vice President: Delilah "lil Brat" Suarez
Age: 10 months
Breed: Maltipoo

Qualifications- As the youngest in the pack, she has shown her drive, persistence & determination to be known as the High Bitch In Charge! God forbid something happens to the Numbs, she would be able to control & get shit done, her way!
& last but not least-
Speaker of the House: Cyrus "lil Baby" Suarez
Age: 7 1/2
Breed: Chihuahua/Terrier mix

Qualifications- As the oldest yet the one who has been in the house for the shortest amount of time, Cyrus likes to make others happy. His main objective- to sit/lay next to you & just keep you warm & happy. A favorite amongst guests, he welcomes everyone with a "standing salute". Also, there's just no way of denying his "puss in boot" eyes!
& there you have it! I think my choices are reasonable, don't you agree???
me =)
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