Friday, January 23, 2009

A Story

Finis​h the follo​wing sente​nces:​

Hi, my name is: Elizabeth Suarez.

Never​ in my life have I been:​ in a coma.​

The one perso​n who can drive​ me nuts is: my sister.

High schoo​l:​ was unfor​getta​ble,​ full of good and bad memor​ies.​

When I'm nervo​us:​ I sweat.

The last song I liste​ned to was: Nowhere Girl by B-Movie.

If I were to get marri​ed right​ now my best man/​maid of honor​:​ would be LBS.

My hair is: a pain in the ass to do quick yet when I take the time, it's great!

When I was 5: I wanted to be an artist.

Last Chris​tmas:​ LBS & I took pics with the Numbs as a xmas gift for "the units".

I shoul​d be: sleep​ing!

When I look down I see: my toes.

The happi​est recen​t event​ was: having ladies night with the cousins! =)

If I were a chara​cter on '​Frien​ds'​ I'd be: a mix of Phoeb​e & Chandler.

By this time next year:​ I'll be 28 & getting ready for Tax season.

My curre​nt gripe​ is: ignorance.

I have a hard time under​stand​ing:​ how ignorant, delusional & incompetent the world has become (more recently I should say...)....

There​'​s this girl I know that:​ needs to get her shit together & realize how her life is going nowhere.

You know I like you when:​ I get a genuine smile on my face.

If I won an award​,​ the first​ perso​n I would​ tell would​ be: my folks

Take my advic​e:​ Never​ compr​omise​ yourself & ask questions.

The thing​ I want to buy: a new car & a condo in Newport Beach​.​

If you visit​ed the place​ I was born:​ you would​ be about 20 mins away from everything in Orange County.

I plan to visit​:​ my good friend in Seattle sometime! I PROMISE LIZZ!!!!

If you spent​ the night​ at my house​:​ I'm sure dogs would​ want to sleep​ all over you.

I'd stop my weddi​ng if: I found​ out my fianc​e was a douche!

The world​ could​ do witho​ut:​ About 95% of Reality TV & 90% of idiots.

Most recen​t thing​ I've bough​t mysel​f:​ a 24oz of Smiroff Ice that way PH & I could go brown bag it at the park.

Most recen​t thing​ someo​ne else bough​t me: was probably a meal

My favor​ite blond​e is: JWB

My favor​ite brune​tte is: I'll just say me.

My favor​ite black​ hair is: no one I can think of right now....

My middl​e name is: Mercedes...... & yes, I was named b/c of the car!

In the morni​ng I: either get ready for work, while listening to Kevin & Bean or trying to sleep in on the weekends.

The anima​ls I would​ like to see flyin​g besid​es birds​ are: elephants.

Once,​ at a bar: had a drink that tasted like a chocolate cake yet had everything but the kitchen sink in it! 

Last night​ I was: at a park, brown baggin' it! 

There​'​s this guy I know who: is miserable with his life.

If I was an anima​l I'd be: a manatee ;)

A bette​r name for me would​ be: Woot =)

Tomor​row I am: doing​ laund​ry & maybe watching the game or going to the movies.

Tonig​ht I am: just watching & catching up with stuff on my DVR

My birth​day is: the easiest date to remember. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A year ago today.....

....Heath Ledger passed away. There are so many reasons why I remember the date, let alone the time I found out- @ 1:45 pm PST, about 5 minutes after it was posted on TMZ. I remember being in such shock that it really didn't hit me until later that night when the horrible, disgusting & ignorant baptist church group from who knows where in the south decided that they wanted to protest his funeral. They wanted EVERYONE to know that since he played a gay character that this was God's way of punishing him. They were going to basically be there to make a ruckus & inform everyone that he was going to burn in Hell. I was blown away when I saw that & it was then that it hit me. It made me think of all the other work he had done and then I just sat in bed & started to just cry. I was & in a way, still am a mess over his passing. I don't know if it was that he was only a few years older than me or that him & the amazing talent he had were now gone. 

I, being the Queen of all knowing gossip & info in entertainment, remember seeing when they announced he was going to be the Joker in the upcoming Batman movie. I was skeptical yet when I saw his make up/appearance in pre-production pics & heard all the acclaim he was already getting before the movie even wrapped up, I had a feeling it was going to be amazing. Hell, I even remember people saying he should get an Oscar nod BACK THEN! So for people assuming he's getting all this attention now, just because of his passing, you're wrong.

Below is a clip from the movie that not only introduced us to the person that was Heath yet made me & others see how great he was:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What would you do??? Vol. I

So here's the deal- Granted, everything went to shit but if you were in a relationship & it ended VERY bad, would you want anything that would remind you of the relationship? I've gotten rid of mostly everything yet there are a few entries on here that are about him & how "fabulous & fantastic" he is..... I want to delete them yet isnt the point of having a blog/

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

By the way-

If I really got to choose who I really wanted to run this country, here are the 3 I would have written in for President, VP & Speaker of the House:

For President: Bubba "Numbs" Suarez 
Age: 6 1/2
Breed: 110% mutt (his mom was a slut!)

Qualifications- Leader of the pack & has been with us since he was 5 weeks old. He listens & understands what we tell him. Taught himself to go "potty" outside at the age of 8-10 weeks. When he got fixed & they put the infamous "cone" around his neck, he not only learned how to get out of it but he got one of his "lil babies" & tried putting the collar around it! We're convinced his IQ is about 187.

*- Doesn't this pic look like a pose a President who do?  

For Vice President: Delilah "lil Brat" Suarez
Age: 10 months
Breed: Maltipoo

Qualifications- As the youngest in the pack, she has shown her drive, persistence & determination to be known as the High Bitch In Charge! God forbid something happens to the Numbs, she would be able to control & get shit done, her way!

& last but not least- 

Speaker of the House: Cyrus "lil Baby" Suarez
Age: 7 1/2
Breed: Chihuahua/Terrier mix

Qualifications- As the oldest yet the one who has been in the house for the shortest amount of time, Cyrus likes to make others happy. His main objective- to sit/lay next to you & just keep you warm & happy. A favorite amongst guests, he welcomes everyone with a "standing salute". Also, there's just no way of denying his "puss in boot" eyes!

& there you have it! I think my choices are reasonable, don't you agree???

me =)

I ain't gonna lie...

Watching this moved me to tears:

We all have opinions on our new president but I will not deny how beautiful it was seeing the Obamas dance, let alone Beyonce really showing how TRULY talented she is!

Me =..)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


For those who were wondering or concerned, I'm here. 

I know I have been HORRIBLE in keeping touch, let alone fulfilling the promise I made to myself to write in this as much as possible. It sucks cuz once I'm on a roll, I just go! Well, the past few months haven't been too peachy for me. A few things here & there happened yet it was the massive blow to my emotional & mental state that had me in the horrendous funk I've been in. 


- My manatee ass just ate. I ate to my damn heart's content! Drank quite a bit too..... Let's just say I'm finally getting my ass in gear to lose all this weight cuz I'm not happy with it!

- I have been driving since August of 2000. From then to about June of 2008,  I had gotten MAYBE 3 tickets TOPS! From July of 2008 to October of 2008, I got 3 tickets. As is it, I received a "warning letter" from the DMV that if I get 2 more points by December of this year (2009), my license will be suspended.

- Hell, I can even use this blog as an example! I, for some reason, decided to come on & just check out some posts I wrote. I was re-reading the last one & I found SOOO many mistakes! Ok, maybe it was more like 3 or 4 but I'm anal retentive and have a lil OCD so it not only pissed me off but embarrassed me to post something with THAT MANY MISTAKES! 

Reader's digest- I was fooled, BAD! I actually can't get into too much detail about it right now yet one day I hope to write the truth & WHOLE story/outcome of this fiasco. 

I will say that even though tax season is literally RIGHT around the corner, I should be writing a lil more. Maybe not writing the long ass novels I usually post but I plan on posting interesting articles/items I see/find. I also will continue with the infamous, "blogging on the road" on Saturdays during tax season. OH! and a new thing I will be doing is posting as many pics of ALL the puppies we now have!!! Yes, I said puppies! I finally got a damn digital camera so I can now not only takes pics & load them up ASAP instead of the OG way of developing & scanning but I can now be part of the 21st century!

So, in closing- I'm alive & ready to take everything on! I'm a whole year older and it's time for things to change and for things to happen in my life!

Anyways, hope all is well with you & your families and thanks for coming by!

Talk to you soon....

me! =)