Friday, October 10, 2008

You can’t deny that there’s truth to this!

These are not my words...I have given proper credit to the deserving man at the bottom. But any self respecting person with an ounce of Cuban blood feels passionately about this, especially once these points are made clear. I've never been a person BIG into politics, but this really tugs into my emotions. As a daughter of a Cuban refugee, I pledge to not join the masses in being sucked into the charisma of a young, inexperienced man who promises "change"...


All I wish to express, as a former Cuban exile, is that Barack Obama and Fidel Castro share many personality traits, i.e.:

Both were abandoned by their fathers at an early age.

Both are charming, eloquent lawyers that say exactly what people want to hear at the right time and place.

One never led the nation to suspect he was a communist at heart, the other doesn't mention the word socialism when in reality this is exactly what his agenda stands for.

Both were virtually unknown until they began to use the word 'change' as their main political motto.

Both have egos as tall as the twin towers, yet they manage to present themselves humbly, one in soiled military fatigues and the other sweating and with an undone tie.

Both have the unique ability to distort truth and lies as if they were the same.

Both have the ability to hypnotize the ignorant and fool the wishful thinker and to divide a nation in classes, (divide and you shall win) In Fidel's case he divided the rich against the poor, the illiterate against the educated and the black against the white. In Obama's case even if by omission, he's de-facto dividing the races already.

And lastly I'll use the words of Jorge Santayana to finish my case in point: 'Those who can't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'

And in the words of Sir Winston Churchill: 'The inherent vice of Capitalism is the unequal distribution of blessings, the inherent vice of Socialism is the equal distribution of misery.'


Signed: Andrew J. Rodriguez, Author of 'Adios, Havana,' a memoir

In closing, vote Yes on Prop 2 and No on Prop 8...I still have my liberal views but my overall foundation respectfully leans to the RIGHT side.

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